View Full Version : Need help finding 1 hp electric motor for RO

01-11-2016, 10:06 PM
Almost ready to order parts for a homemade RO. I will be using a 265 GPH Procon pump and need to mate it to a 1 hp motor. My problem is finding the motor. I like the clamp on connection but I do not see one at that hp. Freshwatersystems doesn't seem to carry them. Where should I be looking and how do you guys connect to the Procon? Ebay has a bunch but I am not sure how they connect. Thanks, Jim

Dennis H.
01-11-2016, 10:54 PM
I got my motor thru automation direct.
Then I got the adapter for the motor to connect the procon to it clamp style.

The adapter is kind of pricey for a piece of plastic, about $75. And a word to the wise, don't try and tighten any of the fittings going into the procon why clamped to the motor, unless you wish to spend another $75.

01-12-2016, 05:04 AM
Zoro has the fragile plastic adapter, you can usually get some % off during one of their flash sales. You'll need a 56C-face motor to mount to.

01-12-2016, 05:25 AM
Just a thought but a 265 gph procon only needs a 3/4 hp motor and that's easy to find in a clamp on style .

01-12-2016, 06:56 AM
I have a 1 season old 3/4 motor for a procon pump from Atlantic RO will sell for $50 + shipping.

01-12-2016, 07:12 AM
Got mine from Surplus Center:

Best pricing I could find on new motors

01-12-2016, 08:44 AM
I went with a 3/4 HP for my Procon series 5 265gph after much research to save the cost of the adapter and the extra for the pump. Others seem to have success with the 3/4 HP. If you have a good feed pump which is a good idea anyway it acts as a pressure booster. I have two MES 4x40 membranes that I also saved when I bought them last summer at $215 ea. Some debate, but they are certainly somewhat comparable to the XLE-4040. MES makes up to 16" RO's, and make a hobbyist line that they drive 2 4x40 membranes with a 3/4 HP motor and 1/2 HP feed pump and get 225gph at 200psi.
Having said all that, I may regret not going with the 1HP. I have about $1800 into my RO that is nearly complete, so why not the extra $70 for the adapter and motor. There are no 1 HP 48Y motors...
I got my Marathon 3/4 HP from Zoro with a 20% off coupon emailed to me after I got on their list. It cost $129.88 to my door, if you can get a 20% on their $176 1 HP, and $73 adapter it would be just $200 to your door!

01-12-2016, 04:07 PM
Wow, thanks for all of the help guys! I am all set now with pump, adapter and motor. There will be 5 feet or more drop from the storage tank to the filter and pump. Do I still need a feed pump?

01-12-2016, 04:31 PM
Jim , my first year on my homebuild RO I didnt use a feed pump. My procon hp pump came apart at the end of first season. Now i use a feed pump and it runs like a charm. Apparently there was some cavitation going on that i wasn't aware of.I also upgraded to a 1.5 hp motor on my hp pump.

01-12-2016, 06:00 PM
The 3/4 hp motor is fine with the 265 gph procon.

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

01-12-2016, 07:42 PM
There will be 5 feet or more drop from the storage tank to the filter and pump. Do I still need a feed pump?

After all I have read, from folks that didn't, and then did... I did... To avoid problems, and give my Procon a boost.
