View Full Version : Wisconsin Regulations

01-10-2016, 02:08 PM
I'm looking for some opinions from small operations in WI as to their experience with state and federal registrations/inspections. Right now we boil under a pavilion style woodshed at a remote cabin on the weekends. We finish and bottle at home in the kitchen which is a couple hours away. Any water we have at the cabin we haul from home, although a well is not out of the question. We don't make anywhere near enough to sell, but someday (5 to 10 years) I'd like to be able to make enough to pay for costs and maybe a little property taxes. If I'm going to spend money on this madness I call a hobby in order to sell syrup, I want to make sure I'm spending it in the right places. I can't imagine ever selling more than $5K in sales and have no intention to sell bulk. I'm looking to sell direct with friends and family. The folks I have talked to at DATCP have been great, but I get different opinions each time I call.

1.) Do I even need to worry about inspections under these circumstances?
2.) Anyone have an inspection when boiling under a roof, but out in the open?
3.) Has anyone had success turning a garage into a finishing and bottling room?
4.) Is a concrete floor mandatory in the evaporator "room" or will gravel work?
5.) Can you have a registered facility where you boil in one location and finish in another?

Thanks for any input you may have.

01-10-2016, 04:07 PM
In a round about way, this may get you started in your search for answers. This book is written by a WI couple that has a home based food business and a bed and breakfast set up. I have heard them speak, and they are pretty good. WI has some Cottage Food laws in place, and is working on some more.


01-11-2016, 12:34 PM
Thanks Duncan, Ill take a look.

01-15-2016, 10:04 AM
Here is a little more along those lines. You may also want to talk to your current insurance agent. Mine gave me some limits to sales, from home, that would not violate my homeowners insurance, and force me to get additional business/ag insurance. I currently do not know all the answers to my questions, and they are similar to yours, so I am doing my homework as well.


Starks sugarbush
02-10-2016, 05:56 AM
Wisconsin maple syrup producers association has great resources. You should only have to register your Sugarbush which is free as your way under threshold for processing license

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