View Full Version : pre-heater suggestion

01-09-2016, 10:27 AM
As anybody ever used instant electric heater to raise sap temperature before going in their membranes. I have one of these lying around in my garage I though I could maybe use it to get my 300$ RO to produce closser to it's 400 GPD rating (instead of 200GPD on cold sap). Idealy the evap would provide the energy but I find it a bit cumbersome and somewhat a bit dangerous (possible boiling of the sap in the heat echanger) to use that technique.


These Ecosmart units can be set to intantaniously heat flowing water going trough them at 80 to 140 DegF

One of the things Ì'm wondering is, considering the sap being warmer when comming out of the membranes, how long could someone now be able to keep this sap before it goes bad ?

01-09-2016, 10:38 AM
my first thought that the sugar in the sap will burn and biuldup on the inside walls of the heating coil with that amount of flash heating .also causing particals in the sap and possibly a off flavor. thats my opinion anyway.

01-09-2016, 08:04 PM
These types of on-demand heaters are triggered on by flow and I think your flow would be too low to trigger it. And if it did I think it would raise the temp too high.

01-09-2016, 10:02 PM
These in particular are triggered at 0.25 GPM and they work with flow sensing technologie. Meaning, the control board senses the actual flow rate of water, it's incoming temperature and delivers the heat needed to achieve an output temp as set by the client.

That being said to achieve a desired mean output temperature, yes it could mean that some boiling is present in the laminar flow over the elements.

Thanks for the advice, I think i'll skip it or maybe just do some testing and have a look at the elements after some running time next season.