View Full Version : Promax 500 R.O.

Burnt sap
01-07-2016, 02:35 PM
Anyone here using this unit for R.O.?

01-07-2016, 06:06 PM
Looks like a standard home built 4x40 ro (looks like this one might be a 2.5 x 21) . You will need to add a lift pump to it.
How many taps you looking at ?

01-09-2016, 10:06 AM
I personnaly think that for that amount of money (1985$) someone could come up with a much better spec home built machine.

Burnt sap
01-11-2016, 10:59 AM
Mello, This is a 2 1/2 x 21 and would be used on my 500 tap line. Dealer says it will do 500 gallons per day to about 6% in two passes does this sound right? This unit will run up to 150psi.

01-11-2016, 01:21 PM
What size is your evaporator?
For 500 taps I wouldn't go smaller than a 4x40.
A 4x40 will remove about 50-65 gallons of water per hour depending on the membrane.

My math might be off... but a 2.5 x 21 will at the most remove 180 gal of water in a 24 hour day.

Burnt sap
01-12-2016, 12:35 PM
Putting the finishing touches on a 2x6 . Wood fired evap rate will be around 20-25 gph. This caught my eye since it looked a lot like a leader mini but much less. however the leader is a 4" x 40" filter.

01-12-2016, 01:09 PM
I also run a 2x6... have it tweeked and maxed out @ 50+ gph. With 500 taps you will definately want to look at 4x40. You should be able to find good prices on used waterguys units if you are looking to buy. You can build one for 1500 - 2000.

There are lots of small shops now building 4" ro units for maple that are less expensive than the big names as well.
Watch craigslist. Sometimes you can find a good deal on one there as well.

Quick math for you...

500 taps on good day run ... 500 gal. ( good run with vac 1000 gal double figures below)

25 gph evap = 20 hours boil time

Evap with With 4" ro = 85gph. Or 6 hours boil & ro time.

For every hour you can ro before boiling, you save 2 hours boiling time.

Burnt sap
01-13-2016, 08:39 AM
Thank you. I hope to have an R.O. for this season. Last question for you, What pressure should I be running through the membrane ? And any suggestions for a pump? I parted it all out except the pump and we are at 950 bucks so far.

01-13-2016, 09:09 AM
mellondome is right i run a 2x6 also i went back and forth about biulding a RO, but came across a 2 year old waterguys RO in mint shape that was priced to sell..... i watched it work the end of last season, thinking to myself `that looks easy enough to build` then the guy who had it decided to sell for a larger unit, i said how much `he said $2200 and ill throw in the supplies i have for it ` i said ill be right over. he even had the membrane washed and tested buying saved me the time and effort of biulding one and i called the waterguy about expanding it `they said we have everything you need to add another vessel ` so either way building or buying a RO will cut out alot of boiling time which is a plus to me so i can go in the woods a expand even more . good luck in whichever you choose

Burnt sap
01-13-2016, 10:33 AM
Thanks Westmaples .