View Full Version : New pipeline

Burnt sap
01-05-2016, 01:06 PM
Starting a new line for the 2016 season. going to add another 150 taps this year to put us over 1000 taps. A new benchmark for us. However with my girl gone to college just means more work for dad. :cry: But I got a new toy to cruise the sugarbush this year 450 Honda fourwheeler but can't seem to get it to tap a tree?:confused:

01-05-2016, 03:52 PM
I totally understand the helpers going of to college. 2 Boys there now, youngest is a senior in high school and then to college. Wheelers and sleds make for getting tubing and supplies to the bush easier.

Good Luck


maple flats
01-05-2016, 07:44 PM
Just mount a drill on the front rack. Be sure the drive fast enough and have the drill bit turning as you contact the tree.
I hire high school seniors and college kids to help. At the other end, once they graduate college they go and get a "real job" and the training starts again.
I may have now lucked out, I have 3 brothers working, all great workers. 2 are in college and the youngest is a HS senior. My issue is that I will be alone for the most part after next week, as the 2 return to college and the HS senior is in school AND active in sports. That leaves me with just 3 to haul sap, look for and fix leaks, RO , boil and pack (me, myself and I).

01-05-2016, 09:31 PM
Hey flats, My oldest is only 30 minutes away, he and Fred will come by and help ya out. hahaha
