View Full Version : brookledge-having to re-filter

02-26-2007, 11:02 AM
Brookledge wrote:
>The only draw back filtering it before it is syrup is that you need to filter it again.

I did not realize that the syrup would release more niter after you filter and boil it down some more. It does however make total sense. This throws a kink in our operation. The "not quite finished syrup" filters much easier. Does this mean that any post processing of syrup, like making candy or sugar on snow will release more niter and therefore need refiltering? There has to be some kind of sweet spot (no pun intended) where you can filter the not quite syrup but then have a limited amount of niter released after you re-boil. Thanks.

Jim Brown
02-26-2007, 01:14 PM
Hookhill;the sweet spot you are refering to is about 190 degrees After you reach this point the syup will begin to boil again and the niter will be released again. if you can keep the temp below this point you should be fine. We had the same problem before we purchased a filter press
Justa thought

02-26-2007, 01:40 PM
You do not have to filter for candy or sugar on snow

02-26-2007, 07:53 PM
The only time releasing nitre is a problem(if you consider it a problem) is when you are bottling it in containers especially glass. The nitre will settle to the bottom and it will not be attractive but it will not hurt anything. Usually when you pour the last bit out you will get the cloudy nitre mixed in.
Some just don't worry about the nitre especially if you are using it for yourself.
With cream or candy more nitre is being released but you can't see it so it doesn't matter