View Full Version : Hello From Central Nh

01-02-2016, 07:25 AM
Hello, I finally decided to join. I am just starting out with Maple. My employer has been sending me to a few trainings to learn about the industry. I decided to tap some trees at my fathers house and ended up with about 65 taps on 5/16 with a 3/4 mainline. It has been a learning experience for sure!


RC Maple
01-02-2016, 08:51 AM
Your employer has been sending you? What do you do? Sounds like you've already got more than a turkey fryer to boil on if you have that many taps.

01-02-2016, 06:37 PM
Actually I don't have a evaporator at all... A friend has a sugar house with a 2x10. He will be taking the sap. I work for a FW Webb who is also a CDL dealer. I wanted to know how things work, to be able to do better at my job, so I decided to set up some woods that are on family land. I had a few pointers, and read a couple books, but I am a firm believer in hands on experience.

01-02-2016, 10:19 PM
Hey Will. I didn't realize you were in Conway. I had you pegged for Tamworth! If your guy with the 2x10 gets flooded I'd buy some sap.

I got to get down there to webbs for one of those 2 handed tubing tools.