View Full Version : Grandma and Grandpa's Legacy

Maple Man 85
12-15-2015, 06:13 PM
As grandparents age we often take for granted the things they taught us and passed down through their children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren. The one thing that stood the test of time in our family is the passion of producing syrup, gathering together in the woods, laughing and talking about past seasons. Although Grandma and Grandpa are now physically limited as to what they can help with nothing pleases them more than sitting next to boiling sap and stoking the fire while the younger generations run around collecting and having snowball fights. I find myself blessed to be raising our fifth generation of maple enthusiasts and teaching them all the tricks and tips I was taught in my younger years. Through many years and generations of making syrup on the families property I am happy to say we are expanding to commercial levels production in 2017, Grandma and Grandpa couldn't be happier.

Here's to you Grandma and Grandpa!!!

Maple Man 85

12-16-2015, 07:14 AM
That is a great post!

Just think where you would be without the sharing of knowledge.

Our family farm has its fifth gen in college right now. Oldest is in the my Dads first college.

Over time things change, but family is the foundation we can all go back to and recharge our life batteries.

Happy Holidays and get some pics to pass on thru the years!

12-17-2015, 08:34 AM
Commercial levels! Congratulations! I worry that if I had to make syrup for income I might lose even more sleep than I already do thinking about sap.

Maple Man 85
12-17-2015, 11:13 AM
I am consistently worried about the future and the debt we are taking on to increase production. However throughout extensive research I am confident we are able to create a quick return on investment which will provide grandma and grandpa with financial assistance in the future as their retirement fund will run out in the next 5-7 years. Family needs to help each other out, just as they helped raise me while my parents were out working I have the opportunity to provide them with a level of security in their later years. We are very grateful to live within a 1/2 mile of each other and consistently help each other.

Grandparents are a blessing treasure them while they are here and learn all you can from them!!!

Maple Man 85