View Full Version : Vermont's Act 64 and RAPs

12-13-2015, 10:10 AM
Many of you have seen it in the news, and I suspect several have been following this very closely, and many have already attended some info. sessions. The days of Recommended Ag. Practices are ending and a new age of Required Ag. Practices is beginning. Many know, though amazingly enough in 2015 some do not, that Ag. practices affect the surface waters of the state and in some regions the quality of surface waters has become unacceptable.

The recommended practices have been around for a while, but the big change are the penalties, and perhaps the degree of enforcement, with the biggest penalty being removal from the Current Use Program, which would be substantial for many.

This probably won't affect woodlot owners too much, but many sugarmakers are involved in other aspects of farming so this is likely to affect many.

Here is the basic summary of the new RAPS:


And here is the detailed version:



12-13-2015, 10:23 AM
Thank you for posting this General. My Wisconsin inspector was quite concerned about R/O permeate entering streams, pooling ponds, puddles and waterways. I guess the water dilution in puddles and ponds may affect frog, salamander and toad reproduction. I have heard of similar concerns with trout reproduction in their ecosystem, not my area of expertise though. Buried tanks, dumpsites, fertilizer and manure in the vicinity of a sugarbush will become larger issues going forward.

A different topic, but sure to come will be track and trace way beyond what we see today, and there will have to be rapid response methods in place. I have been through this in the food industry and work with the FDA and USDA on a regular basis. There is no(zero) conspiracy from the large maple producers to drive these trends.

Flat Lander Sugaring
12-14-2015, 04:36 AM
good bye mom and pop farms thank you big gov.

12-14-2015, 10:44 AM

This is where the New York State Maple Producers Association really shined. We in NY were looking to have to get permits for RO discharge water. I believe the lower threshold was about 1,000 gallons of effluent per day. Not a lot of permeate water for many operations. The state association was able to get maple operations exempt providing they neutralized their wash water. Many people enjoy the benefits gained by the state associations but do not join for whatever reason. Throwing them $50 a year is worth much more if they had not gotten involved on this one single issue. Let alone other issues they have fought for us all. So, JOIN your state association. Sorry, off my soap box now.

This ad brought to you by a producer fortunate enough to live in a state where his maple association cares.
(This message intended for those who have not joined)

12-14-2015, 01:16 PM
I agree Lew, very, very important to get involved.