View Full Version : Maple Sugar Machine/Equipment

12-12-2015, 06:20 PM
Looking to buy a piece of equipment to make maple sugar. I would ideally be making large batches, so I'd like to have a machine that could do quite a bit at once. Any input on what you all prefer? Perhaps with the associated price?

12-12-2015, 10:18 PM
It really depends on what you mean by "large batches". 1 gal., 5 gal., 50 gal.? Boiling the syrup to the proper temp. is the first step and a steam kettle that can operate at a high enough pressure is ideal. Otherwise you are cooking on a gas burner. Then to stir a paddle style machine works, but for really large batches an industrial Hobart mixer works well. Then depending upon the consistency of the sugar you want to make, you will likely have to grind and sift.

Steam kettles and hobarts aren't cheap but can be found used pretty easily. CDL makes a good sugar machine that yields a consistent product in one step. Those generally run 6-8 k.

12-14-2015, 11:26 AM
6-8k seems pretty steep but if it combines all of the equipment I need into one machine, then maybe its worth it. I don't think i'd be doing 50 gallon batches at once, but maybe 20 gallons. Thinking that If I was making sugar in the summer I would have to get rid of that barrel pretty quick and convert it to sugar.

12-14-2015, 12:18 PM
You are going to have a pretty hard time finding equipment that can handle 20 gal. batches unless you are having it purpose built. The big packers that produce large quantities of sugar have invested quite a bit in machines that can do it. Large steam kettles and purpose built mixers/grinders. This is why they can sell sugar so cheap

CDL makes two machines. One handles 17 lb. batches ($6500 retail) and the larger handles 35 lb. batches ($9800 retail). The advantage to these machines over a Hobart is they produce a uniform sugar that does not need sifting.

To even be able to safely boil 20 gal. batches you will need a pretty serious steam kettle as to boil that much syrup you will get some pretty serious foaming and will want extra capacity in the vessel you are using.

12-14-2015, 01:24 PM
So I assume that the CDL machines still require a steam kettle or some other boiler? If so, I will be in for a lot more money than I thought. Was thinking of starting a small maple sugar business alongside our regular syrup production, which my father owns. This way I could make a little bit of money independently. Thanks for your help, General Stark.

12-14-2015, 03:09 PM
Yes you will still need some other equipment in addition to the sugar machine for actually boiling the syrup.

12-14-2015, 08:27 PM
I built a turntable machine. Pan is the bottom of a stainless 40 gallon drum about 8" high. Biggest batch I have done is 17lbs.

12-16-2015, 01:57 AM
We use a large Kitchen Aid mixer to make our sugar. Seems to work well up to half gallon batches. Never tried more than that since this fills the bowl.

12-17-2015, 06:35 PM
Thanks for the input all. Experiencing price shock, but what else is new within the maple industry? looks like I will be starting small with a smaller machine, then working my way up to a larger/more expensive machine if necessary.