View Full Version : Dry line for sap ladder?

12-09-2015, 05:36 PM
Hi guys I am redoing a sap ladder and can't figure out if I should bother to introduce a dry line or not. Here is my situation:

I have about 125 +/- taps running down a fairly steep grade following a brook. At the bottom I have about a 12' lift to tie into my 1" main line. I run 2 @ 6 star fittings for my ladder. Does it make any sense to tie my 1" dry line into the 3/4" wet line feeding the ladder? I could easily run a 1" line from my dry line to uphill of my ladder. Would it increase yield or just a waist of time and fittings?

12-09-2015, 08:25 PM
For that number I would not bother. You are better to keep the system as is and keep the gases from the 125 trees to work the ladder.

I have 10 ladders and we have been using them since late 1970's.


12-10-2015, 07:49 AM
Thanks Ben for confirming my suspicions.