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View Full Version : Need Advice and Ideas on Venting Steam in Shack

12-08-2015, 09:35 PM
Hello everyone!

I'm making the final preparations for the syrup season before the snows come and I'm wondering if you all would be so kind as to help me with ideas on what I could do to vent my shack. This past year was my first year with my sugar shack and evaporator and long story short I couldn't get to making a cupola or venting a hole directly above the evaporator as I was actually putting all the pieces together in the middle of the 2015 season. Time was not my friend this year. So this time I'd like to see if I can vent some or most of the steam through the roof. I've attached pictures to give an idea on what I have to deal with. I'm basically looking for ideas other than a cupola. A cupola although nice, is not in my skill set and something like a grate or a hatch design i think is what im thinking. :D This past season I had to open all the windows and doors and there are vents to the sides of the shack which you can see in one of the pictures which although did vent the shack it still got super cloudy in there. So not ideal.

Let me know what you guys think I'll really appreciate it. :D

12-08-2015, 10:01 PM
Hoods with steam stack?

Bucket Head
12-08-2015, 10:23 PM
Yeah, what Jared said.

Seriously, its pretty much the only way you can go. A hood and the needed roof jack, stack and cover might be more than what you were planning, but you'll be very happy with it this spring. It will be money well spent and you'll never have to do it over.

Or, maybe an exhaust fan? Cheaper and easier yet than the hood and stack. But even then, you may still have steamy conditions. How big of fan and what direction the wind is blowing will determine the steam build-up problem.

Food for thought anyway. Good luck.

12-08-2015, 11:09 PM
Yeah, what Jared said.

Seriously, its pretty much the only way you can go. A hood and the needed roof jack, stack and cover might be more than what you were planning, but you'll be very happy with it this spring. It will be money well spent and you'll never have to do it over.

Or, maybe an exhaust fan? Cheaper and easier yet than the hood and stack. But even then, you may still have steamy conditions. How big of fan and what direction the wind is blowing will determine the steam build-up problem.

Food for thought anyway. Good luck.

I tried looking up that online, do you guys have a pic or can point in the direction of one so I have a better idea of what it would look like?

thanks again for your help!

12-09-2015, 07:13 AM
Just go look at new evaporators on the web most of the bigger ones are pictured with hoods and steam stacks. Where did you get your evaporator? If your looking to get hoods and steam stack maybe look into Amish they make them and will save you money. There si a thread on here about A&A metal that had prices listed not sure if hoods are on there, but its a good place to look. I'm not sure what options are available for your evaporator, but you probably could use one hood and one steam stack = one small hole for the pipe and a rood jack.

The problem with vents is that the steam coming off the open top evaporator has no definite direction it would be better than no vent, but still not very good this is why cupolas work because they are normally quite large. The problem with an exhaust fan is the moisture. I have been in a makeshift sugar shack where there was no cupola and on certain nights your couldn't see 2 feet.

12-19-2015, 07:13 PM
yep hoods and stacks if you want a steam free room. Roof vent/ cupola would help but only on low pressure days.
Here is a picture of Cheryl making syrup. We dont get any more steam than that in the room. Note here glasses arent even fogged up.

This is a picture of me boiling from several years back. Prior to the steam away.
10 inch steam stacks. We were boiling about 80 GPH. currently boiling about 140 GPH of sap.

Full rolling boil and steam hood down within 2 inches of front pan.

This may look like some steam but it is not much compared to no hoods. again about 140 GPH rig, with steam away in place.

Yes any of the big suppliers have hoods, stacks, roof jacks, and lids.
