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View Full Version : HYBRID PANS- Smoky Lake

11-18-2015, 06:59 PM
Anyone out there using a 2'x4' hybrid pan setup from smoky lake? Looking to upgrade this year. I'm stuck with a 2x4 arch and will have 350-400 trees plugged in this year. Wondering if this setup will be the best bet for max gph on a 2x4. I will be using a preheater and blower as well...anyone have any thoughts on them??

11-19-2015, 06:56 AM
idk anything about smokey lake pans but if your going to stay with the 2x4 setup no matter how fast you boil you`ll be drowning in sap with that number of taps i would either get a much larger evap altogether or a RO to keep up from my own expirence it sucks to have to dump what you can`t boil in a days time when the good flow starts

11-19-2015, 07:00 AM
350 to 400 trees is due able but lots of boil time. I am thinking of going with the hybrid pan from smoky lake. I have talked to jim and he has me almost convinced to getting it. I have like 100 taps.

11-19-2015, 07:02 AM
Right now I have a continuous flow pan and can do 100 no problem

11-19-2015, 07:20 AM
I can tell you from experience that A 2×4 is wayyyyyy too small for 400 taps, you will hate yourself by the end of the season. Maybe you can sell some sap to Bisons, or scaranzas, look around, lots of guys making syrup around Berlin.

11-19-2015, 08:49 AM
If you are a capable welder, or can get one, maybe consider extending the arch you have a foot or two to accommodate something bigger. I think the difference between a 2x4 and a 2x6 might save what's left your sanity. As for the hybrid pans from Smoky Lake....they are fantastic!

11-19-2015, 10:14 AM
Thanks for the input...the problem is I built the sugarhouse around the 2x4..any bigger and things will get dangerous. Last year I had 200 plugged in and have a divided continuous flow flat pan from smoky lake and I am getting around 15ish gph. Everything is on gravity as well..got some decisions to make!

11-19-2015, 10:22 AM
I have the 2x4 hybrid pan. It's a great pan but there is no way it could handle over 300 taps. You would be boiling all day, everyday.

11-21-2015, 11:05 PM
Thanks for your input guys..I reorganized the sugarhouse and decided to extend the arch to 6'...got my Auf all piped in today and working on getting aof hooked up by the end of the week..gunna be a welcomed change!!

11-22-2015, 08:00 AM
or maybe go 8 ft and buy the hybrid pan and set it up with your old pan so it is a continuous flow hybrid pan in back and used pan up front just a idea anyway

11-30-2015, 08:42 AM
Good move. A 2x6 hybrid pan is going to blow your mind!!! Giddy up!

12-04-2015, 06:24 AM
Again, thanks everyone for your input. I've been talking to Jim at Smoky Lake and I'm trying to make a final decision on a pan setup. I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of the hybrid versus a regular set of pans. I know price is one of the greatest differences, but what are some other pros?I'm not sold on one or the other yet..I'm sure some of you have been in my shoes before on this decision!!

12-04-2015, 11:32 AM
I can tell you from experience that when you are a small hobby producer, it's hard to spend a few hundred dollars.
After you sell a couple thousand dollars worth of syrup, $200 is easy to let go of.
My point is, if you expect to be in this for the money eventually, don't be afraid to spend some $ UPFRONT, to make things easier, faster or more efficient later on. If your goal is to have this always be a hobby, then yes, watch the expenses more closely.

12-04-2015, 01:43 PM
I have boiled on A hybrid style evaporator & they work great. That being said if your looking at hybrid vs a traditional set of 2×6 pans It's really a close call, I personally would get a raised flues pan set vs a Hybrid. It sounds to me like you have the bug & will probably be taping 500 trees in the future. Good luck with which ever you choose. You really can't go wrong .

12-04-2015, 04:32 PM
Well I just brought home a 2x6 hybrid set up from Smoky Lake. I am going to put it in my living room... Hate to get it nasty with syrup..

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12-04-2015, 04:52 PM
I'm looking at the same pan, but with my growing business, I don't want to be replacing it in a few years. That is more expensive in the long run. Decisions, decisions.

That mirror finish is impressive. I'm selling my 2x4 smoky lake pan, and right now it's clean and in my family room. Looks nice. Need to sell before I buy the 2x6.

12-27-2015, 02:42 PM
I did a test boil today with my new 2x6 hybrid.. I have never ever in my sugaring days with flat pans witnessed,let alone heard anything boil do hard.. Splashing out if the pan in the flue section. Gonna love it.

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12-28-2015, 08:32 PM
I did a test boil today with my new 2x6 hybrid.. I have never ever in my sugaring days with flat pans witnessed,let alone heard anything boil do hard.. Splashing out if the pan in the flue section. Gonna love it.

I'm ordering one of these tomorrow. Did you get the pro package?

12-31-2015, 10:15 AM
Yes, I figure if I decide to add auto draw off later,the port is already there. The flue pan divider makes sense too.

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01-01-2016, 09:41 AM
Thanks for your input guys..I reorganized the sugarhouse and decided to extend the arch to 6'...got my Auf all piped in today and working on getting aof hooked up by the end of the week..gunna be a welcomed change!!

You have made the right decision!

I was in the same situation with a small sugarhouse (mine is only 8x14). I went through this. I got the 2x4 hybrid (boil rate at 23gph), next year extended to 2x6 and added a Smoky Lake 2x2 (boil rate at 30-32gph)
Let me tell you, a boil rate of 30-32 was not enough after I added a vacuum system last year to my 260 taps! I had a stretch of 4 days of 12-14 hour boiling days trying to keep up with the sap flow. No time to collect from the 70 buckets without rushing back and forth! I am a solo operator.
I can see even with your 2x6 you may find, like me that your time is way to short to handle the flow at times. I am in currently building an RO right now.
I started as a hobby, but did sell a lot last year, and can justify the expense.

01-01-2016, 10:44 AM
After hearing this and what everyone else had for input, I think it was the only reasonable solution. Even wit my 2x4 with 200 taps, I was boiling 5+ hrs a night. With a full time job, a 6 month old, and a 5 year old, time has become more valuable. I decided to go with the smoky lake high output drop flue pan set. This plus AOF and AUF will allow me to reduce boil time. I am hoping that with AOF my stack temp will drop significantly. Running at 1200 degrees heats up the small sugarhouse real quick!! So alot of upgrades should make for a more enjoyable and productive 2016 season!!!

01-02-2016, 07:58 PM
I can rilly sympathise with you all I run 125 taps in a 2×5 true flat pan no chambers 15 gpa on a good day .I'm going to make the plunge after two years of following jims stuff at smokey lake maple but I think the 2×8 is going to be my new friend so I can burn two days a week and bottel whenever oh ya I have 400 taps to add when I can handel it. My question is am I crazy is the 2×6 silverplate enough.

01-02-2016, 10:05 PM
Not for 500 and only boiling 2 days a week. Even boiling everyday you will want an ro. 2x6 with time to sleep and gather maxes at about 300-350 taps boiling every day.

Helicopter Seeds
01-06-2016, 10:17 PM
Hi Derek, Are you still selling the smaller one?
I am still on steam tray pans on a brick setup... Last year ran three, but found two more so can easily extend by adding more bricks. I am entertaining dropping a real pan on top of the bricks as a next step.