View Full Version : "Sharkfin", aka hookless 5/16 bucket spouts

11-18-2015, 06:34 PM
I'm looking to expand in year 2, not a ton, but looking at going to 50ish taps. I had 40 last year on sacks hung with pvc holders. For giggles and nostalgia, I picked up a dozen aluminum buckets with lids and spouts on ebay. Theses will go around the house close to the road. They came with traditional 7/16 taps, I'd like to run 5/16 as I am double tapping the trees. They are big enough, but I'd still like to limit my damage. How well do those hookless spouts with the Sharkfin fit into the bucket hole? I'm looking at the hOle in the bucket, I'm a bit nervous. I could get the blue plastic hooked ones, but I'd like to keep it metal for a handful or reasons if possible.

11-18-2015, 06:50 PM
Out of the 40ish buckets I have, only a few fit those taps. I am going to the 5/16" stainless stainless taps with hooks for all my buckets next year.

11-18-2015, 07:24 PM
" Shark Fin" i love it! just drill out the bucket to accommodate the 5/16 spiles. They work great; must easier than spiles with hooks to gather.

11-19-2015, 06:47 AM
the shark fin hookless spouts are great i have 25 or so they are easy to replace the buckets on one handed, the old style 7/16 dangling rolled hook spouts work but are hard to rehang in a hurry the people i worked with as a kid had the dangling ones with galvinized bucket and the hook would always move or get hung up on the bucket edge hookless is nice and the buckets stayon them good in the wind also

RC Maple
11-19-2015, 07:32 AM
I have never used anything but the 5/16th hookless spouts so I can't compare them with anything else. They work really well though. Nothing to be nervous about - you'll like them by the end of the season.

11-19-2015, 09:05 AM
I have never used anything but the 5/16th hookless spouts so I can't compare them with anything else. They work really well though. Nothing to be nervous about - you'll like them by the end of the season.

Excellent. I like the idea of metal mainly for a "sustainability" aspect. They cost more up-front but should last many years. I'm reassured by your comments that they will fit my aluminum buckets. I will order 12..

11-21-2015, 03:30 PM
If you want the best hookless bucket spout, get the stainless ones from NGMP. You might have to enlarge the bucket holes a bit but they clean up the best, don't break, and stay on the tree way better than the aluminum ones on windy days. www.nextgenmaple.com

Urban Sugarmaker
11-21-2015, 04:46 PM
If you want the best hookless bucket spout, get the stainless ones from NGMP. You might have to enlarge the bucket holes a bit but they clean up the best, don't break, and stay on the tree way better than the aluminum ones on windy days. www.nextgenmaple.com

I agree with cncaboose. I am going to expand with Next Gen SS spouts this year. The other ones I have unfortunately have a tendency to drip "backwards". Often the sap would hit the hook and half the droplet would follow the hook and leak outside the bucket. The other half I would wind up in the bucket. I had one bucket that I got no sap from because the back dripping was so bad. This happened on enough of these that I would not buy them again. I had to keep channel lock pliers with me and bend the hooks so the sap wouldn't hit the tip of the hook.