View Full Version : 3/4 mainline with out wire

11-11-2015, 07:01 AM
I know I've read past posts where some have used 3/4 mainline without high tensile wire to hold it up.
I was just wondering how to attach the laterals with out the wire to hook your 5/16 connector on.
I plan on using the regular multi-fitting.

11-11-2015, 07:52 AM
I use hollow core rope wrapped around the mainline or a tree close to the saddle.

11-11-2015, 08:04 AM
CDL has a product called Rapifix Strapping. It is like square-linked plastic chain. You would use a short length of this along with a hooked connector.
I would bet you could also take 8-12 inches of SS wire and make a make an endless loop out of it. Loop it around the mainline tube like a half-hitch knot, then use a standard hooked connector.

11-11-2015, 08:34 AM

Rapid tie from CDL is a great product. Buy a roll and you will find so many uses for it. I have several 3/4 mains without wire and I use it to secure the main to trees to keep grade, hold the main elevated for the off season so trails are not blocked, and to tighten laterals to the mains using the hook connector. I pre cut the strap into lengths of 14 holes and pull the rigid tubing tightand connect to the last hole of the straping. Then the end is looped around the other side of the main and attached to the saddle. If a branch should fall the hook can unhook and the line has slack so the saddle is not damaged.

In the pic an aluminum nail is used to connect a nailable connector to the strapping.

Do not use wire around the tubing as it will cut the tubing over time. Even lashing wires cut into the tubing and produce a week point after many years of use. Sucks when that is were you have a vac leak. Duct tape to seal for the time being and then a connector for more permanent repair.

I have given out samples of the rapid tie and customers come back for a roll ever single time.


11-11-2015, 08:36 AM
I have used the hollow core rope as well but find that the yellow rope degrades and loses its grip. I have heard the black rope that Bascoms sells is better.

I am switching over to using CDL rapi-strap and the CDL max flow hooked connector which hooks direct to the strap. The strap loops around the pipe. This provides some flexibility with being able to tighten or loosen the lateral over time.

This said, I have been putting all of my wireless mainline in low slope areas on wire, or using supports every 10 feet as I have found it sags when it gets warmer.

11-11-2015, 08:54 AM
Great ideas guys ! I need to go to CDL next week, guess I'll get rapi tie strapping. .

11-11-2015, 08:32 PM
I use the rapi-strap around the mainline with a slide fitting hooked to it. Though I think the hook needs to be cut narrower.

maple flats
11-12-2015, 08:32 AM
I use the rapid strap too. I cut it 7 links long to attach to a main, then I loop it around the main fairly tight, and it leaves 3 or 4 links on 1" or 3/4" mains. Then I attach a hook connector in the link cut out. Some brands of hook connectors fit easily, others are wider, but even the widest I've found still work if you hook it on the wide dimension of the link hole, then turn it straight. I think it was CDL hook connectors that fit the easiest, and Leader's were real tight fit.
I run 3/4" and 1" mains without wire, larger ones get wire.