View Full Version : Buck Fever, post your Deer pictures.

11-02-2015, 08:19 PM
I was lucky enough to harvest this buck 10 minutes into my Maine hunting season this afternoon. 8pts 189 lbs fully dressed.

11-03-2015, 05:48 AM
Thats a real nice buck you got. I have 5 bucks all coming into my plot. I sure hope they continue coming in during rifle season. Good luck everyone.


11-03-2015, 08:05 AM
Very nice!!! I am still bow hunting, gun season does not start for a few more weeks here in WI. I have some nice deer running around, so it is always exciting!

11-03-2015, 03:45 PM


I was lucky enough to bag this 8 pointer 178 lbs dressed 10 min before dark on the last Sat of the season. It ended in hand to hand combat (not always pretty with a bow). Good luck to all the rest of the year. Had just ran out of venison two weeks before and taco Tuesday's were just not the same with beef.

11-03-2015, 06:40 PM
Nice bucks! Two weeks into archery here in Mass, seven deer have come by but offered no shots. Apparently nobody told them where they're supposed to stand...

Flat Lander Sugaring
11-04-2015, 04:10 AM
Thats a real nice buck you got. I have 5 bucks all coming into my plot. I sure hope they continue coming in during rifle season. Good luck everyone.


does the "food plot" consist of natural salt deposits and apples that blow through the field down the street? :lol:

11-05-2015, 06:50 PM
does the "food plot" consist of natural salt deposits and apples that blow through the field down the street? :lol:

When it comes to deer hunting I don't cheap. My food plot is surrounded by PineApple trees. We found that irrigating the Clover with molasses helps keep the barking house spiders away. This is all in an effort to keep the good ol Mother earth healthy.


Flat Lander Sugaring
11-07-2015, 05:48 PM
yea those barkin house spiders its amazing how far out in the wooods they will travel, im going to try the molasses or maybe old maple syrup.

11-07-2015, 07:30 PM
Baiting deer and bragging about it. Nice work guys...

Just remember the Dions:


Flat Lander Sugaring
11-08-2015, 05:42 AM
Baiting deer and bragging about it. Nice work guys...

Just remember the Dions:


hey general I can hook you up with one of those HE injection kits so you can get more sap,

11-08-2015, 10:38 AM
Baiting is an interesting topic to me, because it tends to be viewed as an ethical question, and the laws vary significantly from state to state. Ok in NH (I think), but not in MA, for example. And in some cases you can bait bears, but not deer. So different states have different ethics? Different ethical standards apply to different critters? I don't have any answers, that's for sure.

11-08-2015, 03:22 PM
A few years back it( and only for a few years) it was legal to bait deer in vt. The reason they stopped it I'm told, was because there was fear that the deer spread disease amongst themselves more easily if they were eating from the same bait pile. I think chronic wasting disease caused the scare.That reason made little sense to me. When I used apples, I spread them around the same as they would have come off the tree. Apples and even acorns often end up in piles naturally. I don't think much of the way the guy in the article did things (sheer laziness IMO among other things) but if taking a few apples from a tree that's out of bow range of my stand and depositing them under the apple tree I'm hunting at is baiting then I guess I'm an outlaw as well. As are many.

11-08-2015, 07:45 PM
Baiting deer and bragging about it. Nice work guys...

Just remember the Dions:


Cracking some jokes and having some fun is all we are doing. Lighten up General and laugh a little. Baiting deer in Vermont did stop due to the fear of disease. I own an apple orchard and I have a few food plots so getting deer to come my way is pretty easy. I'm getting some nice bucks in the plots now. Good luck everyone.


11-08-2015, 08:44 PM
Here's another one: why do we generally think baiting fish is OK, but baiting land critters is more debatable? This is an offshoot, I guess, of the inexplicable fact that many people who think fishing is just find hunting unacceptable. This is crazy.

11-09-2015, 06:08 AM
Land critters tend to offer more meat for the freezer so getting a deer or two is important to a lot of people. Most game wardens will turn a blind eye to a few apples here and there. It's just like a cop will not pull over a person for going 5 MPH over the limit on the interstate. I rode along with a cop who is a family member and their policy is 10 MPH over the limit before you get a ticket. Although baiting deer is illegal most hunters do it in some little way just to bag a deer. If you were out shooting 15 deer that would be different. The stores all over Vermont sell pallets of deer bait products and everything sells out this time of year. People need food for their family's. As long as there are limits to how many deer we can shoot baiting should not be a major concern. Vermont needs to bring back bear baiting and ban hunting bear with dogs. The dog owners have NO control of their dogs once they pick up a scent. Dogs will run for miles through other peoples properties before treeing a bear. That should not be allowed. I would rather see a person bait and shoot a bear on their own land and not run a bear through 20 property's (some posted). If your kids are out on the lawn when a scared black bear runs through bad things could happen.


11-09-2015, 06:38 AM
Some easy solutions concerning the kid thing anyway--just make them play video games 14 hours a day. Or, if I have the type of weirdo kids who insist on playing outside, I just put up some "children at play" signs, and the bear would probably veer away from my yard. Keep in mind, these bears are not evil creatures.

11-09-2015, 08:48 AM
You learn something new everyday. I had no idea bears could read:lol:. I'm not too concerned about the kids getting hurt by a bear. The chances of that happening are very slim. I do have a problem with a pack of bear dogs on my land and treeing a bear on my land when it's posted. It also lessons my chances of shooting a bear from my stand when someone else's dog have already run all the bears away. I talked to Fish and Game about this and I found that I have little rights as a land owner. If the dogs tree a bear on my posted land I do not have to let the owners of the dogs come on my land. The dog owners would have to call the game warden and then the warden would have to come over. The warden cannot allow the dog owners on my land if I say no. I am not sure what the warden can do to resolve the problem. I am not saying this is what I would do I am just saying this is what could happen with a property owner. If dogs treed a bear on my posted property I would most likely let them shoot the bear and get there dogs and keep the peace. I just think baiting bear on your own property would be far better for everyone. A tree stand and a bucket of bacon grease with candy bars mixed in is all you would need. It would be a lot more fun then tracking your dogs for 5 miles.


11-09-2015, 09:24 AM
If you put out bacon grease and candy bars, I will show up myself...

11-09-2015, 01:38 PM
We got 2 nice bucks in the sugar bush last week including a 199lb 10 pointer! I took a nice doe on Saturday as we did not have enough meat hanging. I'm hoping my daughter can get her first this coming weekend.

11-09-2015, 01:40 PM
If you put out bacon grease and candy bars, I will show up myself...
As long as you don't show up bare:o:rolleyes:

11-09-2015, 06:12 PM
We got 2 nice bucks in the sugar bush last week including a 199lb 10 pointer! I took a nice doe on Saturday as we did not have enough meat hanging. I'm hoping my daughter can get her first this coming weekend.

Congratulations on the deer. Sounds like a great buck. We took a 106 pounds doe during youth weekend. I sure hope I get a nice buck next weekend. I Hope you daughter gets ones. That would be a fun time for both of you.

Jebdeiah- I will save some candy bars for you and you can sit in my other stand.


11-09-2015, 07:15 PM
I saw A nice Doe that a young man got when I was At a Party in Fairfax VT Saturday night. Always nice to see a young kid get his first Deer. I can't wait until Wednesday when Rifle season starts in NH. Keep stalking them Deer.

Any pics ennismaple? We like Canadian deer pictures too!!! Congratulations nothing like fresh Tender loin

11-09-2015, 11:17 PM
No time to hunt, still too busy fishing :)

https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/t31.0-8/10630753_1643521115918110_5449726696510694258_o.jp g

Flat Lander Sugaring
11-10-2015, 05:00 AM
We got 2 nice bucks in the sugar bush last week including a 199lb 10 pointer! I took a nice doe on Saturday as we did not have enough meat hanging. I'm hoping my daughter can get her first this coming weekend.
where are the pics?

11-10-2015, 12:41 PM
where are the pics?

I was being lazy and was trying to catch up at work when I posted. The buck my cousin shot I jumped out of his bed in August while driving to check a trail camera about 300 yards from where this picture was taken. We haven't put the tape to it but my guess is it's around a 125" buck - maybe a little more. The doe was 111 lbs dressed and with a neck shot I didn't waste much meat. Not a wall hanger but will taste great! My daughter couldn't handle my rifles so I got her a .243 Savage. After a box of shells she was shooting good groups so I hope she gets a chance to pull the trigger on a buck this weekend.



11-10-2015, 01:25 PM
That is a sweet Buck, & like you said that Doe will be some good eating. Thanks for posting pics, Bass man I hope you didn't have to pose too awfull long for that pic, that made my arms sore just looking at it.:lol:

11-12-2015, 07:20 PM
Here are a couple of pics of the ones I killed on public land. The first was last year and was probably 8.5 years old as I haven't gotten his teeth back yet and the one this year as he looks to be 4.5. Both are not nearly as big as some I've killed on public land but I was very happy with both of them.

11-13-2015, 12:37 PM
Awesome bucks Brandon! We drove through WV on our way to Myrtle Beach this summer and I was very impressed by how beautiful and mountainous the state is. Looks like you get further into the woods than the other guys to find the big boys!

Super Sapper
11-14-2015, 05:26 AM
12076Public land northern Wisconsin.

11-14-2015, 10:27 AM
Couple bucks in our family.

My small 7 point. Taken on private land behind our house Halloween morning. First one with a crossbow!


Our son Eric's 7 point taken with a Mathews compound.

Also our Grandson Nic, got a nice doe the first day of PA archery. May be more deer today as he and his wife will hunt till quitting time.

Good luck hunters!

Brandon those are two nice bucks! I know you really like to hunt them! Congratulations!

11-14-2015, 08:56 PM
Awesome bucks Brandon! We drove through WV on our way to Myrtle Beach this summer and I was very impressed by how beautiful and mountainous the state is. Looks like you get further into the woods than the other guys to find the big boys!


You probably came through Beckley and I live about 7 mins from the I-64 and I-77 split. I try to get deep in the woods away from everyone.

Flat Lander Sugaring
11-16-2015, 03:58 AM
well I had GF plans for opening day to go to a wedding in NJ(they must not know its a state holiday in VT opening day).
so two deer taken a few hundred yards from camp by our neighbors. one 7 and one 4 10 minutes apart from each other.

Thads deer

11-16-2015, 12:17 PM

You probably came through Beckley and I live about 7 mins from the I-64 and I-77 split. I try to get deep in the woods away from everyone.

Bingo. Went through Charleston on the way down and Morgantown on the way back.

We ALMOST got my daughter her first deer on the weekend. Should could have easily shot a number of does and fawns but I have a buck tag only this year. Had a small spike come in downwind in the morning but by the time we got her turned it had gotten behind some hemlocks and then skirted us 100 yards away through thick harwoods. We jumped a spike in the afternoon but it didn't offer a shot. Had another buck dogging a doe near us an hour before dark but we only got a brief glimpse as he chased her around. The fawn hung out in front of us for over five minutes and got as close as 15 yards! Unfortunately, momma didn't bring her boyfriend back before dark. It was great to spend 6 hours of quality time with her in the woods. My son can get his apprentice license next year and he's determined to get his first deer before she does!

maple flats
12-06-2015, 08:41 AM
I was proud of my grandson yesterday (in fact I'm always proud of him). In my blueberries I have a deer problem and we have been working to lessen the issue. My 21 yr. old grandson finally went for his hunting license this year for the first time and for his recent birthday I gave him a new Rem. 750 in 30-06. We practiced with it just 2x because he was real busy with college work.
At the suggestion of the DEC last Jan. when they came to check for damage and issue deer nuisance permits, I built an elevated shooting house (which I had been thinking about for years but never took the time).
This year I built it. The shooting house sets near an intersection between 2 blueberry fields, is 10' high and is an octagon. It is 6' x 6', has 4 side 4' wide and 4 corners cut on 45 degrees that are 18" wide. The 4' sides have an 11" x 23" horizontal window and the other 4 sides have the same size vertically. This shooting house greatly expands the area we can shoot because the fields have roads on 3 sides and houses on the forth. Previously I had a tree stand in one corner of pines on the property but could only shoot a limited area. Even with that we took several deer out in recent years.
As we were approaching the shooting house yesterday morning (we enter just past legal shooting light and often see deer in the blueberry rows and might get a shot) my grandson saw 2 deer just off the end of the rows at a back field and shot. After a few minutes we went to see but found no blood nor hair.
Then about 3 we returned and both got in the shooting house. About 45 minutes later I was just getting ready to make a silent drive around the entire property when my grandson saw movement. He studied it a while and then he raised his gun, rested it on the window sill and took his time. I still could not see the deer. After a minute or 2 he shot, then a little while later I saw a deer run from the blueberry field in that direction and run towards the pines I spoke of earlier. A few minutes later we went to check for blood, my grandson insisted that was a different deer. We got out of the shooting house and walked to that field of blueberries. I said I'd walk down 2 rows from the end and he was to walk along the outside row. As he got to the outside row, he signaled there was another deer. I signaled to shoot, and he raised his gun, took aim and shot, a deer dropped. We then saw a deer run from that area into a woods on a neighboring property. I said we'd need to go get permission to track a wounded deer. He said that it was still another deer. We then walked side by side along that outer row of blueberries. AS we got closer there lay 2 deer, both shots were true. After studying the shots, his 1st, from the shooting house, with support was likely 200 yds. and his second, off hand was about 150 yds. One shot took the spine out and the other damaged the spine but also got some of the gut. At the blueberries I have a rule for all hunters, if it's brown, shoot it. At my sugarhouse we only shoot mature does and whatever buck meets the hunter's goals. The deer he shot were both this years fawns, but they will be good eating for sure. One a real big doe for a fawn, and the other a slightly smaller button buck. There was a doe in the blueberries all summer with 3 fawns, must be they ate well. I also had 2 does (or more) with 2 fawns. A few days ago I was driving by and saw between 8-10 deer running across an adjacent empty field, could not see any antlers.
We still have more tags and can still shoot at least 11 more if we are able. Then nuisance permits will be there for Jan-March to take more out.

12-06-2015, 11:43 AM
Nice. Looks like Thad's buck had been doing some serious fighting.

12-08-2015, 06:33 AM
finally caught up to mine Saturday morning! 1214312144 by far the most horrendous (but worth it) drag of my life!

12-08-2015, 08:35 AM
Nice buck Travis! What's all that white stuff around you? Snow? Hardly seen a snowflake here yet. Did you weigh him?

12-08-2015, 09:37 AM
Thanks Sean! we were fortunate to get 6-8" of the white stuff up at my camp in the NEK the Thursday through Friday before the opening of muzzleloader season! we're at about 2000' at camp. we had some the first weekend of rifle season but that went fast! I did weigh him in. he's 169lbs, 3 1/2 year old buck. He certainly ran himself lean! he's got an awful lot of extra/loose skin on him! here's a little better picture to show just how big he is! 19 1/2" spread. 12148

12-08-2015, 10:14 AM
Nice Buck. Hunting season never last long enough.

12-08-2015, 05:04 PM
12155 12 points 292 lbs :)

12-08-2015, 07:32 PM
Haha, You had me going for a minute. Got some work ahead of you. Nice bucks

12-09-2015, 09:49 AM
nice bucks maplecherry!