View Full Version : Honda WX10 and tubing needed
10-21-2015, 03:01 PM
I just bought a Honda WX10 and plan to use it for sap collection from a couple of locations. First use will be to have it in my collection truck so I can go to a sugarbush a few miles away from the shack and collect out of a couple of 50 gallon barrel collection sites into the 300 gallon tote on the truck. The second use will be to push sap across my field to the shack. My shack is about 600 feet across a flat field from a few more 50 gallon barrel collection sites. The field is frequently too wet or too soft during sugar season to drive my skid steer or golf cart across. I was hoping to empty out of the barrels and push the sap through a 1" line across the field. Any recommendations on inexpensive pipe/ tubing for a long 1" run. I hope the pump will be able to push the sap that far.
10-21-2015, 06:19 PM
We used a WX10 to pump sap 500 feet with a 50 foot rise last year, No problem. Great little motor. The only negative was that we had to drain the line after we finished pumping ( reversed the flow back into the 275 gal. woods tank - about 30 gallons of sap) so that the line wouldn't freeze. One inch black water pipe works fine.
10-21-2015, 07:44 PM
sounds like the pump will work no problem but if your tubing run across the field is totally flat, you will have freezing issues if it cant drain one direction or the other. i would try to slope it toward your sugar house if possible either a slight natural slope of the field if possible or string it up on some 12 gauge HT wire and just plan on putting it up & taking it every season or blow it out everytime your done pumping. trust me theirs nothing worse than going to pump sap & blowing the fitting off the line and taking a cold sap bath ( been there... done that ) just because you have a small frozen section of line. PS cam lock ends are worth the cash, then you don`t have to hold anything together and they are quick for changing flow direction good luck
I have the same set up. I use cam locks. the pump is hooked to the 1 inch black water pipe. About a foot away I have a tee so when I'm done pumping I can drain it. I also have it draped across a branch about 15 feet up. As I go back to the receiving tank I lift the line when it gets low enough to help it drain. Ideally I'm going to extend the pipe so I can use a tree on the other side to pull the pipe tight. Your pump will only need to push the water up the initial height then gravity will help. Also that little pump with a little bigger pipe can pump a lot further than 600 feet
10-22-2015, 02:23 PM
Thanks for the info guys/gals. Can I get the cam locks at any big box store? Is their a particular brand I should be looking for?
maple flats
10-22-2015, 03:12 PM
Technically you should use SS cam locks for food grade. If you want to do it right, try here: They have the SS fittings and a good price too.
10-22-2015, 07:04 PM
I would just add this. Black waterline is indeed your least expensive, best alternative for spanning that long a distance. The cam locks are a must and I would add about 10' of flexible, durable hose to at least the pump end. It makes hooking up the pump so much easier and takes the stress off both pump and line. Good luck
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