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View Full Version : Wholesale pricing

10-14-2015, 10:01 PM
Hello folks!

So, growth is going good. Opening new markets etc. We are about to enter into our first retail stores and I'm trying to figure my wholesale pricing...

What do you all do? A flat percentage discount across the board?

I'm all ears! Er, ahhh I guess eyes...lol 😎

Jeff E
10-15-2015, 01:23 PM
I go by what the local market is like. Some tourist areas are higher price, some local markets are lower.
I talk with the retailer, see what their mark up will be, and try and set a competitive price.

By the way, I start with knowing my bottom acceptable price is. If its not worth it, I will sell bulk. (that has never happened)

eagle lake sugar
10-16-2015, 12:56 PM
Wholesale has become about half of our business. We give 20% off from sugarhouse prices, this allows our product to be in the same price range as the syrup the stores get from the large packers in Vt. etc. Most people will buy ours if it's competitive because it's local.

maple flats
10-16-2015, 03:44 PM
I discount in 2 tiers. For orders under $400 retail I give 15% off, any order over $400 I give 20% off.

10-18-2015, 04:54 PM
Does it seem that the retailers are happy with the 15 to 20 % or are they marking the retail price even higher in order to make more margin?

10-18-2015, 06:45 PM
In my opinion I don't get concerned about the retailer's margin. I know what I need to make what I want.

10-18-2015, 07:01 PM
I saw our first retailer is asking $2 more on one size that we wholesale to them. All other sizes they sell at same price we charge at farm stands, festivals etc...I figured if they can make more, still buy from us at my prices, and not have any effect on our retail sales then good for them.

10-19-2015, 01:06 PM
Sometimes a retailer will put a 40% markup on items and then it does not sell due to the high price. I don't like to see my syrup sitting on the shelves not moving.

10-19-2015, 02:52 PM
Sometimes a retailer will put a 40% markup on items and then it does not sell due to the high price. I don't like to see my syrup sitting on the shelves not moving. I run Into this problem, I have a retailer that pays me great 20% below their store price, only problem is they have someone else (another maple producer) telling them what the going rate should be.
While I don't mind getting paid 22 dollars a quart for syrup in plastic I think they could move a lot more if they sold quarts for 20-22 dollars vs trying to get 26.50$

I suspect that the other supplier is selling mostly syrup that he purchased in Bulk & Didn't produce that's why he is trying so hard to drive the price up