View Full Version : Reuse stainless pan exposed to chemicals?

10-05-2015, 11:43 AM
Hi, I have an opportunity to pick up a stainless pan for free but it was used to process film so it had some nasty stuff in it. I'm very careful with my food so I doubt I will touch it but I was curious if stainless steel is perhaps safe to reuse? I don't think I could ever use it just knowing what was in there before.

10-07-2015, 12:49 AM
May get harassed for this, and I'll cover my butt by saying if your going to sell the syrup, don't do it. That said. I would. Stainless is the one thing that you can actually "clean".

10-07-2015, 06:36 AM
You could clean it , boil some sterile water in it, then have the water tested if you had any concerns.

RC Maple
10-07-2015, 07:21 AM
You could clean it , boil some sterile water in it, then have the water tested if you had any concerns.

That's a good solution to finding out if it would be ok or not but your "free" pan isn't looking so free anymore. You will probably want to tell people about your pan when they come over while your boiling and you'll always have to say that they used to develop film in it - but I had it tested...Just let it go.