View Full Version : Certification for 100% all Natural?

10-02-2015, 06:37 AM
Just wondering if anyone has ever heard of or has gotten a certificate stating that their syrup is 100% all natural. I was approached by a bread company looking to buy syrup from us, but only if we had a piece of paper that stated we were 100% Natural. I'm not organic so we don't have any certifications. I know its 100% natural, but how do I prove it on paper.

Any help would be great!

10-02-2015, 07:14 AM
You can get Certified Naturally Grown it is similar to Organic, but much easier to obtain. I looked into it, but decided to try for organic http://www.cngfarming.org/ Like organic it cost money to apply so I would check to see if that would work for the bread company. I think its about $200 and the only hard part is that you need another CNG farmer to inspect yours and likewise you need to inspect someone else once per year. The hardest part is defining buffer zones, but no official type person comes to your farm. Once you are certified you can purchase logos.