View Full Version : Calendar Girls For ALS
Angela Schumacher
09-20-2015, 12:58 PM
Over the past year, I've brought together a large number of volunteers to create a really unique, limited edition, 2016 calendar featuring women making maple syrup and maple equipment au naturel. I am selling the calendar ( to raise money for Compassionate Care ALS in honor of sugar maker Eric Johnson who was diagnosed with ALS (aka Lou Gehrigs Disease) in 2012. Compassionate Care ALS is a phenomenal organization and Eric Johnson has experienced their kindness first hand. Every penny raised for this organization will do a world of good. I support them with my whole heart.
This calendar has been the most rewarding project I've ever worked on; everything from collaborating with the other designers to seeing the maple community rally together for this great cause. Neither Smoky Lake Maple Products nor any of its sponsors or volunteers are profiting from this project. 100% of the profit goes to the charity. It's all about coming together and making a positive difference in the lives of those people who are affected by ALS.
The photography series we created for the calendar has been described as free-spirited, tasteful, artistic and fun. You definitely won't find any other maple calendars like this anywhere else. They will make excellent Christmas gifts too!
Thanks to everyone who has already offered so much positivity and support. Please help spread the word about this fundraiser and let's make this a huge success for Compassionate Care ALS! You can purchase a calendar today at (
Other notes about the project:
The series is being showcased at The Flying Pig Art Gallery ( in Algoma, Wisconsin from October through December. If you are in the area, please join us for the gallery's opening reception on October 18 from 12 - 3pm. We will even be featuring a few extra compositions from the series that didn't make it into the calendar. There will also be a farmer's market there too that day. So it's sure to be a lot to do and see.
I'd like to express my gratitude for Roth Sugar Bush of Cadott, Wisconsin and Wendel's Maple & More of East Concord, New York. These dealers have embraced the spirit of this project and will be selling the calendar in their storefronts and at trade shows. We also thank Morning Ag Clips, Farming Magazine, The Maple News and various arts publications for helping us advertise this fundraiser in their publications. To see all the long list of folks involved with this project (we are adding to it all the time), please visit the credits page ( on our website
09-20-2015, 06:37 PM
A HUGE thank you to Angela and the rest of the crew for their involvement in this fun but very meaningful project.
CCALS has been a fantastic resource for me and my family, and to so many others dealing with ALS.
And thanks to all the Traders for your support over the years....
keep on keeping on...
steam maker
09-20-2015, 07:27 PM
Got one ordered for my sugarhouse, cant wait!!!!!!!
09-20-2015, 08:48 PM
I am sure this calendar hanging in our sugar house will really help promote the maple industry. I will just have to take it down when my wife, daughter, sons or school trips come by.
maple maniac65
09-21-2015, 06:51 AM
Will it be offered for sale through Maple Trader? Accepting Paypal or similar? Shipping extra of course. I would love to order some calenders
09-21-2015, 09:37 AM
One thing people could do is buy say a Dozen of these calenders and try to resell them at your sugarhouse, if you sell them great, if not you made a nice donation. Obviously not everyone could afford to do this. But some people might give it a try.
I have heard that great strides are being made For People with ALS due to the Ice bucket challenge. But It sounds like these funds go to support people with ALS verse I believe the Ice bucket challenge monies support research.
09-21-2015, 07:07 PM
One thing people could do is buy say a Dozen of these calenders and try to resell them at your sugarhouse, if you sell them great, if not you made a nice donation. Obviously not everyone could afford to do this. But some people might give it a try.
I have heard that great strides are being made For People with ALS due to the Ice bucket challenge. But It sounds like these funds go to support people with ALS verse I believe the Ice bucket challenge monies support research.
We plan on doing what Nate mentioned. order a whole bunch for re-sale at our holiday open houses, but if we don;t sell em all, give them away to folks who buy a lot of syrup...I remember a chainsaw shop in Lempster NH that used to give out calendars with fully naked maidens with chainsaws in hand...the shop owner called them his "religious calendars"
also - yes you are correct Nate - the bulk of the ice bucket challenge $ has gone in to much needed research, where as CCALS is a resource for medical equipment that may not be covered by insurance...they even have wheelchair vans for loan if something goes wrong with yours...
- Eric
Angela Schumacher
09-21-2015, 09:52 PM
One thing people could do is buy say a Dozen of these calenders and try to resell them at your sugarhouse, if you sell them great, if not you made a nice donation. Obviously not everyone could afford to do this. But some people might give it a try.
I have heard that great strides are being made For People with ALS due to the Ice bucket challenge. But It sounds like these funds go to support people with ALS verse I believe the Ice bucket challenge monies support research.
Hi N8,
Thanks for bringing this up! That's a great idea! Anyone who purchases 10 calendars or more can be listed on our website ( as a calendar dealer/sponsor. I would include your business logo, contact information and a link to your website. That way you can get a little advertising for your business too. It's a win win for everyone.
The calendars cost $25 each and we are offering free shipping through ( (or ( Our mission is to send 100% of the calendar profit to Compassionate Care ALS. (So if you sell the calendars for more than $25, we would love for that money to go to Compassionate Care ALS as well.) :)
You are right, I have found that many ALS fundraisers (like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge) have focused on raising money for research. But we think it's important to remember that there are folks with ALS who need support right now. Our fundraiser beneficiary, Compassionate Care ALS, has been a holistic presence for both patients and caregivers of ALS. In addition to their home visits and support programs, CCALS also helps provide things like ramps, chair lifts, shower chairs and house cleaning; physical needs which ease the difficulty of living with ALS but are not covered by health insurance. CCALS does all this without requiring families to fill out piles of paperwork. There are no hoops to jump through. No strings attached. CCALS just truly cares. I've talked with their founder, Ron Hoffman, and I can't say enough nice things about the guy. This is a great charity. Rest assured this is an awesome organization to support.
Angela Schumacher
09-21-2015, 09:56 PM
Will it be offered for sale through Maple Trader? Accepting Paypal or similar? Shipping extra of course. I would love to order some calenders
Hi Maple Maniac 65,
Maple Trader is not a calendar seller at the moment, but we would be very happy to partner with them if they are interested.
On, we are accepting Paypal, credit card or you can mail us a paper check. The calendars are $25. Shipping is included. :D
Angela Schumacher
09-21-2015, 10:09 PM
I am sure this calendar hanging in our sugar house will really help promote the maple industry. I will just have to take it down when my wife, daughter, sons or school trips come by.
Hi slybird353,
Ha ha! The calendar is female-approved since almost all my volunteers and I are women. It's all very light-hearted and playful. I've never met your wife, but I'd like to think that she would be OK with you having it on the wall! When she sees the calendar, I'd love to hear her review of it. :D I know my volunteers and I are all planning on having one hanging in our homes.
As for the kids though... I suppose that's for each parent to decide whether or not they can see it. Ha ha. I personally think it's all pretty harmless, but I'm not a parent. So perhaps my opinion doesn't count for that one. :emb:
Have a great night and thanks so much to everyone for their interest in our project.
Angela Schumacher
09-21-2015, 10:11 PM
Got one ordered for my sugarhouse, cant wait!!!!!!!
Thank you Steam Maker!
09-21-2015, 11:57 PM
I've never met your wife, but I'd like to think that she would be OK with you having it on the wall! When she sees the calendar, I'd love to hear her review of it.
She saw it and was not impressed. What would make you think my wife would have anything positive to say about pictures of nude women hanging on our wall? That is not the image as a family or as a buisness we want to portray nor do I think it reflects well on the maple industry. But what do I know, I am old fashioned. I got down on one knee to ask her to marry me, and I regularly get down on two knees to talk to God. I have five children (one more in the way) who will look you right in the eye and smile when talking to you, and you can count on a yes sir, yes mamm. You will not find them face down texting all day. We are a family that ministers to the sick, forgotten and elderly. We believe that the founding fathers principles are as sound today as they where when the country was being founded. We still think the Andy Griffith show is funny! We believe that your word is your bond! We do not believe you do not have to remove your clothing in the name of art. I personally can tell you that I so love my wife of 19 years that I wish to never see any women naked other than her. It seems more and more that we are getting left behind in this current day culture or perhaps others are too timid to speak out for fear of reprisals. It seems if we speak out in the name of tradtional values we are considered intolerant, elitists and haters when in fact it is the opposite. Bottom line is that when all is said and done I know who I must give an account to and I'm good with that.
Angela Schumacher
09-22-2015, 10:51 AM
not impressed.
Hi Slybird,
I really respect your thoughts regarding integrity and character. I look around me and I see so much beauty in the world. Simple, pure nuggets of true beauty are all around us but they constantly clash with what the media and society claims to be beautiful. Mainstream America pushes us to strive for ideals that aren't even realistic. It tells us to keep reaching for something that is never obtainable. Too often we forget to be grateful for what we already have.
It is totally understandable why someone who doesn't know me might rush to assume that my calendar contains your run-of-the-mill trash just because that is so typical in today's world. You might assume these are your typical big breasted women in high heels leaning over a shiny, expensive sports car, looking back at the camera with their "sexy eyes" and pouty lips. That crap is designed with the intention of making you focus on the things you DON't have which can be really toxic and unhealthy. That is not at all what I stand for. The spirit of our project is the exact opposite of that.
What elevates our photography series is the intention behind it. I can not accept body shaming as a declaration of superior morals. My heart and mind are in the right place. I believe that when people look at our art without any preconceived notions they can see the beauty that lies within.
One of the many reasons I love these compositions is that the models were such a diverse group of strong and confident women. Real women of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds. They are all grateful and unashamed of the body that God gave them. I think that is a very very beautiful thing. To be comfortable in your own skin. To be able to say "I am OK with who I am. This is me." If I ever have a daughter, I pray she is able to say the same and that she is able to love herself. When I looked at my models in the eye, I saw a light shining within them. Beautiful.
What's also interesting to me as an artist is what I refer to as the "nudity parallax". Nudity is a symbol of confidence, yet at the same time it is a symbol of vulnerability. Two completely opposing concepts. Nudity requires us to put down our armor and then gives us the option to stand or cower. As an audience, we can relate to vulnerability as each and every one of us has our own fears and worries in our lives. Often our fear of the things that make us vulnerable block us from reaching our true potential. Think of all the awesome things we could accomplish if we knew we wouldn't fail. I don't want to generalize and I cannot speak on behalf of all individuals who are living with ALS, BUT I have heard so many people with ALS comment that we need to all just seize the day. Don't put things off. Stop being scared. Be confident and go for your dreams. You never know what tomorrow brings. I admire anyone who chooses to stand behind their dreams instead of their shields.
No matter what, Slybird, I will always respect you and I really admire that you are an attentive Father, raising a family with high standards. I love that your kids aren't texting on their phones all day. I feel warm inside to see you write about your wife with such admiration. I can't comment on Andy Griffith because I avoid watching TV, but I do know my parents really love that show too. You seem like a person of high integrity and I hope to one day meet you in person. Do not rush to judge me and my of volunteers/supporters. We all have much more in common than you realize.
With all that said, if you would like to help people who are affected by ALS but the calendar is not your style, you can donate to Compassionate Care ALS directly on their website, ( After all, that is our true goal here. To be a positive force in this world and to raise money for this wonderful charity.
Have a great day everyone!
Angela Schumacher
Here are some samples of art from the masters. Just because they are nudes doesn't mean they are dirty. ;)
09-22-2015, 03:25 PM
Very well said Angela.
09-22-2015, 06:13 PM
Hi slybird353,
Ha ha! The calendar is female-approved since almost all my volunteers and I are women. It's all very light-hearted and playful. I've never met your wife, but I'd like to think that she would be OK with you having it on the wall! When she sees the calendar, I'd love to hear her review of it. :D I know my volunteers and I are all planning on having one hanging in our homes.
As for the kids though... I suppose that's for each parent to decide whether or not they can see it. Ha ha. I personally think it's all pretty harmless, but I'm not a parent. So perhaps my opinion doesn't count for that one. :emb:
Have a great night and thanks so much to everyone for their interest in our project.
I think this is a great project and will be ordering at least one for our sugarhouse. When I showed my wife she said she wished she could have been a model. :)
Angela Schumacher
09-22-2015, 06:56 PM
I think this is a great project and will be ordering at least one for our sugarhouse. When I showed my wife she said she wished she could have been a model. :)
Hi GeneralStark,
That really means a lot to me. Please give your wife a big hug from me. I really appreciate both of your support.
The calendars came hot off the press yesterday. Today the pages were collated and delivered to the bindery. I am hoping that by Wednesday next week, I will finally have the finished product in my hands. I am itching with anticipation.
09-22-2015, 07:14 PM
I have to say that from what I saw the calendar was tastefully done for sure, I got a pretty good chuckle out of the woman about to Tig weld on that shiny new pan.
It certainly doesn't objectify Women in any way. You can see a whole lot more on Day time Television.
09-26-2015, 04:15 PM
Hi Slybird,
I really respect your thoughts regarding integrity and character. I look around me and I see so much beauty in the world. Simple, pure nuggets of true beauty are all around us but they constantly clash with what the media and society claims to be beautiful. Mainstream America pushes us to strive for ideals that aren't even realistic. It tells us to keep reaching for something that is never obtainable. Too often we forget to be grateful for what we already have.
It is totally understandable why someone who doesn't know me might rush to assume that my calendar contains your run-of-the-mill trash just because that is so typical in today's world. You might assume these are your typical big breasted women in high heels leaning over a shiny, expensive sports car, looking back at the camera with their "sexy eyes" and pouty lips. That crap is designed with the intention of making you focus on the things you DON't have which can be really toxic and unhealthy. That is not at all what I stand for. The spirit of our project is the exact opposite of that.
What elevates our photography series is the intention behind it. I can not accept body shaming as a declaration of superior morals. My heart and mind are in the right place. I believe that when people look at our art without any preconceived notions they can see the beauty that lies within.
One of the many reasons I love these compositions is that the models were such a diverse group of strong and confident women. Real women of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds. They are all grateful and unashamed of the body that God gave them. I think that is a very very beautiful thing. To be comfortable in your own skin. To be able to say "I am OK with who I am. This is me." If I ever have a daughter, I pray she is able to say the same and that she is able to love herself. When I looked at my models in the eye, I saw a light shining within them. Beautiful.
What's also interesting to me as an artist is what I refer to as the "nudity parallax". Nudity is a symbol of confidence, yet at the same time it is a symbol of vulnerability. Two completely opposing concepts. Nudity requires us to put down our armor and then gives us the option to stand or cower. As an audience, we can relate to vulnerability as each and every one of us has our own fears and worries in our lives. Often our fear of the things that make us vulnerable block us from reaching our true potential. Think of all the awesome things we could accomplish if we knew we wouldn't fail. I don't want to generalize and I cannot speak on behalf of all individuals who are living with ALS, BUT I have heard so many people with ALS comment that we need to all just seize the day. Don't put things off. Stop being scared. Be confident and go for your dreams. You never know what tomorrow brings. I admire anyone who chooses to stand behind their dreams instead of their shields.
No matter what, Slybird, I will always respect you and I really admire that you are an attentive Father, raising a family with high standards. I love that your kids aren't texting on their phones all day. I feel warm inside to see you write about your wife with such admiration. I can't comment on Andy Griffith because I avoid watching TV, but I do know my parents really love that show too. You seem like a person of high integrity and I hope to one day meet you in person. Do not rush to judge me and my of volunteers/supporters. We all have much more in common than you realize.
With all that said, if you would like to help people who are affected by ALS but the calendar is not your style, you can donate to Compassionate Care ALS directly on their website, ( After all, that is our true goal here. To be a positive force in this world and to raise money for this wonderful charity.
Have a great day everyone!
Angela Schumacher
Here are some samples of art from the masters. Just because they are nudes doesn't mean they are dirty. ;)
This response is the absolute definition of class. Not sinking to a confrontational level, nor choosing to belittle the beliefs of another. Well put Ms. Schumacher.
Slybird353- I would have to agree with you 100%. The money made from this project is going for a very good cause and I think thats great. I think something different could have been done to raise funds though. No family that is raising their children to love the Lord and serve Him would allow a calendar like this in their home or sugarhouse.
buckeye gold
09-27-2015, 07:59 AM
I agree Spud. As a Christian man who runs a prison ministry for juvenile offenders I can not have one. It would not present the image I want. even if I am ok with it I could not allow it to cause people to question my stance. This is my choice and I do not look down on others who feel it is a good cause. I admit i looked at it and it was done artfully and in good taste, however; it is suggestive. So I can not allow suggestive material in my home, ministry or sugar shack. Many good things turned sinful started with a good idea and benign suggestion. With that said i applaud your hearts for the compassion that is evident in your willingness to do something good in a bad situation.
09-27-2015, 07:09 PM
I'm sure no one looks down on those who choose not to display such an item, either. To each, his or her own. As it should be.
Bucket Head
09-28-2015, 01:41 PM
I think the calendar is a clever way to raise some money for a good cause. It certainly was'nt done to offend anyone and no one has to purchase and display one if they do not want to. As stated previously, to each their own.
Now to change gears- I've been welding and cutting like that one woman for several years now. It became too expensive replacing all the clothes I burned small holes in. Then my neighbor asked if I would kindly start closing the garage door when welding.
Angela Schumacher
09-29-2015, 09:33 AM
I've been welding and cutting like that one woman for several years now. It became too expensive replacing all the clothes I burned small holes in.
We are very fortunate we didn't have to worry about burning a hole in Mel Ana's clothes when we staged that shot. Wink.
Thanks for helping us raise money for this great cause.
Angela Schumacher
09-30-2015, 08:11 AM
I picked up our calendars from the bindery yesterday! No more waiting! They are here! I am really happy with how they turned out.
All pre-orders have been packed and are being shipped out today.
Frames for the show at the art gallery arrived this week as well. Looking forward to putting our art in these.
Angela :D
Bucket Head
09-30-2015, 09:24 AM
Good luck with the show!
Angela Schumacher
09-30-2015, 07:42 PM
Good luck with the show!
Thank you so much!
steam maker
10-03-2015, 07:41 AM
Got my calander , wife likes it probly gonna order one for the house next
Angela Schumacher
10-05-2015, 09:31 PM
Got my calander, wife likes it probly gonna order one for the house next
:emb: I am so happy to hear that, Steam Maker.
This past weekend we were in Bemidji, Minnesota for a maple meeting. It was a really fantastic group, about 60-70 people, all very friendly and enthusiastic about maple. I was able to raise $275 for Compassionate Care ALS while we were there. About half of the folks who purchased a calendar were women which was very cool to see.
Thanks again, Steam Maker!
Angela K M Schumacher
10-06-2015, 02:15 PM
got our shipment of calenders yesterday. think they came out really well. thanks again.
- eric
also- an example of what CCALS does- they just gave us a slightly used bipap machine (helps me breathe when sleeping) that would have cost us $2K. no questions asked, no em...
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