View Full Version : Getting Sap from Bush to Sugar Shack
08-28-2015, 01:25 PM
One part of my trails are just awful after 6 years of driving through with a 4X4 tractor. The ruts are 6" deep, and just fill up with water, and in some areas I almost bottom out with my tractor. I don't want to spend the money on a tracked vehicle. The furthest I have to go to collect sap is approx 80yds.
I have a water transfer pump, just wondering if I could jerry rig something. Any suggestions?
08-28-2015, 01:38 PM
You can definitely pump the sap that far. The only thing you need to do is make sure the sap in the line doesn't freeze and the pump doesn't freeze. A lot of people pump sap back one way or the other most either by run a generator or run an electric line. Myself if it was only 80 yards I would probably run an electric line. Then either use a pump with a float so it pumps the sap every so often or pump it once a day. The more automatic you can get it the better. Pumping is way better than hauling for sure. I am also assuming you don't run vacuum well if you run electric you could always get into vacuum later and you could also maybe build a little shed and have some heat to keep things from freezing.
08-28-2015, 06:23 PM
You need a box blade or scraper blade and just scrape over it a few times every spring and throw little grass seed on it. This will keep ruts to minimal.
Bruce L
08-29-2015, 07:31 PM
We pump sap from probably about 100 yds away with a jet pump if you have hydro or generator,our line is supported by mainline wire ,tight and well sloped so it drains,and there is a switch right beside the sugarhouse door.I prime the pump in the morning,if there is much sap I start pumping right away,then shut off the switch when I see the sap is no longer coming into the tank,then i can flip the switch on later to clean up the tank again as I need it.At night i disconnect and drain the pump,and the sap drains back into the tank.
09-01-2015, 12:55 PM
Since the early late '80's we have have used a Wayne water pump to move sap. At the time it worked great pumping from three stations with 55 gallon drums. The furthest and most elevation change was about 500 feet and 50 feet, respectively. Last year we went to a750' run and 70' rise. We stepped up to a Honda 1 1/2" pump. You can use the pump select on the Honda website to see what Honda pump works for your use and then compare that to other pumps depending on price and availability.
Good Luck,
09-02-2015, 07:51 PM
What type of pipe are you using to transfer sap?
09-02-2015, 08:32 PM
Black Poly Plastic.
09-10-2015, 08:22 AM
I use a 4" submersible well pump to pump mine about 700 ft at a 90 lift .Its a 3/4 hp and use 1/2 black poly line .Using 240 volt with #14 doubled (4 wires) it was free! My sap tank is a 300g and if you want more info on the pump setup I can get it to you. My first year I used a generator but was a pain to use having to stay at the pump or guess at what time it would run out of sap. Just my setup for now but it works.
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