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View Full Version : How is it ethical?

08-11-2015, 07:25 PM
We are a start up sugarbush and are working hard to put things in place. We finally went to register our domain name tonight and found out a competitor bought our domain name months ago. This is the same competitor who made over 20k in equiptment commissions off of us.

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-12-2015, 04:50 AM
Its Not Sounds SLIMY, only a piece of **** would do that, make sure you tell every sugar maker around and call main of of equipment supply dealer and tell them what they did and you wont be purchasing any more of their equipment.

maple flats
08-12-2015, 05:34 AM
Is their name anything similar to the name you wanted to use? If not, they most likely did it to block you. I would not use them as a dealer anymore. If their name is close to what you wanted, forget about it, it may not be an attempt to block you.
I checked for the availability of the name I wanted to use about 3 months before I was ready, it was available. Then just 3 mos. later someone else had that name and had a site up and running. I just chose another name.

08-12-2015, 05:47 AM
Is their name anything similar to the name you wanted to use? If not, they most likely did it to block you. I would not use them as a dealer anymore. If their name is close to what you wanted, forget about it, it may not be an attempt to block you.
I checked for the availability of the name I wanted to use about 3 months before I was ready, it was available. Then just 3 mos. later someone else had that name and had a site up and running. I just chose another name.
No the names are not even close. Actually it is our family name which makes it worse. It was a deliberate move to block us from using our family sugarbush name. He also tried to hide it by paying extra for an extra service that can hide the whois info.
If he is upset with me for whatever reason(??) he should realize that he also hurts my two sons who have worked equally, if not harder than me putting this bush into operation. It has always been our goal to build this for my 5 children. My sons (17 and 15) are in disbelieve that he would do this. The scary thing is what else is he capable of?

08-12-2015, 10:27 AM
that is very slimey...I have met some many amazing and helpful folks in the sugaring community that it makes this asshole stand out even more...who is the dealer if i can ask?

also many domain name services offer up alternative options. for example I had to shorten mountain to mtn in my domain...

08-12-2015, 05:44 PM
I really do not want to give up his name as I do not want to hurt his business. I'll let him do that himself. He frequents this forum often and I am sure he has already seen this post and by now he knows that I know. Yes he got me but I have already forgiven him and am trying to get creative with a new domain name.

Dennis H.
08-12-2015, 07:10 PM
It takes a big man to do what you are doing. Congrat's
Most would be thinking revenge.

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-12-2015, 07:30 PM
Forgive? I check see what piece of **** took your name Ill post it, Ill even leave my address see if he would like to come by and visit, But I do wish I was more like what Dennis speaks of.

Well I have one sugar maker already

another ONE


08-12-2015, 08:53 PM
You have really lifted the bar another notch for all of us. Sleep well tonight!

Dennis H.
08-13-2015, 02:06 AM
This whole thing got me thinking, why would anyone go thru all the effort and cost to buy up a domain name that they most likely will never use.

I could only come up with a few,
They bought it up with the plan of "trying" to sell it to you at a later time, at a profit to them of course.
They felt that you were going to be a threat to their own business.

Everything else I thought up just did not seem logical.

08-13-2015, 07:18 AM
This whole thing got me thinking, why would anyone go thru all the effort and cost to buy up a domain name that they most likely will never use.

I could only come up with a few,
They bought it up with the plan of "trying" to sell it to you at a later time, at a profit to them of course.
They felt that you were going to be a threat to their own business.

Everything else I thought up just did not seem logical.

I can not figure it out myself. I know he was very concerned and talked often about the bottom falling out of the maple market. Maybe we are all threats?
Yesterday I was talking to Mark from Jasper's Sugarbush who own a sizable bush here in the UP. He was sure to let me know that if there was ever anything we needed durring season to give them a call and if they had it they would loan it free of charge. They have been on that farm for generations. We actually sell at the same farmers markets together. No threats there just two men trying to make a living. What a contrast huh?

08-13-2015, 06:09 PM
After looking at your Facebook page I'm sure he does feel threatened. You to have a first rate operation. I love your labels, and the farmers market setup is great, the syrup on wood blocks is pretty neat. You and your boys should be proud. Hang in there, things have a way of working themselves out.

After thinking about this for a few minutes, it seems you have some leverage.
Just flat ask him if he will sell it to you for what he paid for it. No hard feelings and we in the maple industry won't want to know his name.

And as Flats stated I doubt the manufacturer he is a dealer for would be happy with this!

08-13-2015, 07:35 PM
Thanks Regor we appreciate the encouragement. I am positive the man that has our family/company name has been following this post and he should know that I would gladly pay what he did for both the domain names. As far as contacting him I have tried several times but he will not answer attempts at contacting him. Reminds me of when the sap started to run and I had zero customer service when I needed it real bad.
The last time we talked is when he picked up a check for over $54K which squared the balance and then some. We where buddy buddy that day.
As far as the manufacturer goes I emailed the president of the company to tell him what had happened but no reply as of yet.
I know there is two sides to every story I just wish he would contact me so I can understand his side and address it.

08-13-2015, 07:48 PM
I got to thinking about the manufacturer. Awhile ago I posted a pic of a brand new tank we purchased that was warping, denting and creasing more and more with every use. The manufacturers rep in VT emailed me within minutes of the post and had this to say " And don’t bother with the MapleTrader banter. Bad press just gets us free advertising.". This was just part of my nightmare.

Flat Lander Sugaring
08-14-2015, 04:13 AM
" And don’t bother with the MapleTrader banter. Bad press just gets us free advertising.". This was just part of my nightmare.
Arrogance of large Manufacturer!

08-14-2015, 08:06 AM
" And don’t bother with the MapleTrader banter. Bad press just gets us free advertising.". This was just part of my nightmare.

I think this manufacturer has underestimated the power of communication. His statement should have included the phrase "Bad press gets us free BAD advertising."

Super Sapper
08-14-2015, 11:14 AM
We have to remember that it was the manufacture rep that made the comment and not the manufacture. I do not think any manufacture would enjoy their rep making that statement.

08-14-2015, 06:51 PM
You may have a legal case here. I know of an instance in Pittsburgh where a large HVAC company bought a competitors name website address and used it to redirect customers to their website. They were taken to court and lost. Your dealer may not have taken it that far yet, but it's clearly cyber squating. I'd check into it before you give up.

08-14-2015, 07:49 PM
Wow Andy!! I never heard of cybersquating but after looking it up I believe he is breaking a federal law. Here is what I found
"Cybersquatting (also known as domain squatting), according to the United States federal law known as the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, is registering, trafficking in, or using an Internet domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else. "

Dennis H.
08-14-2015, 08:49 PM
Well if this individual does visit Maple Trader often they me be seeing this and may come to the correct conclusion to give up the domain name willingly, or maybe not.

08-14-2015, 09:13 PM
Well if this individual does visit Maple Trader often they me be seeing this and may come to the correct conclusion to give up the domain name willingly, or maybe not.

Something else I just found
"On the other hand, if the court finds in favor of the trademark holder, the domain may be transferred to the trademark holder and the cybersquatter could face up to $100,000 in fines plus attorney's fees."
Something to consider for both parties

08-14-2015, 09:31 PM
is your business name registered with your secretary of state in MI? or however in your state you register a business name to prevent someone else selling similar products under a similar name? that would certainly strengthen your case that you should own that domain name...

08-15-2015, 08:39 PM
From what I'm reading your farm name would have to be trademarked to be entitled to that law

08-15-2015, 10:05 PM
From what I'm reading your farm name would have to be trademarked to be entitled to that law
I have doing a lot of reading and cubersquating is not just limited to trademark names. None the less I have already contacted an attorney and hopefully will have more information Monday. I do not believe that he thought this through and certainty did not expect to get caught.

maple flats
08-16-2015, 06:36 AM
Are you sure the name is not available? When I click on what your name should be, I get the message that it is reserved on Go Daddy and available. If that's the case, just buy it thru Go Daddy. While I have my website thru Go Daddy, it is not an easy method to build a site with. If you have the ability or have someone who can build the site, just get the name thru Go Daddy, and nothing else.
I get it when I use Mozilla Firefox, however if I go thru Internet Explorer it fails.

08-16-2015, 08:37 AM
Just an FYI...clicked on your should be link and it took me to available at godaddy...

08-16-2015, 04:06 PM
It is not available. What you see is a service that is offered by the hosting company that will work as an agent to negotiate the buying of that domain name.

08-19-2015, 06:30 AM
In light of recent events, this am we just paid $700 to an attorney. That's $700 that our family could have used! The truth has its way of working itself out.

08-19-2015, 11:20 AM
I highly doubt there will be any legal solutions to your problem. If the web name was available and they aquired it and just park it they have done nothing illegal just not real ethical, nice to know who your friends are.
In the real world your actual website name has little to do with how much potential business you will get or not get. 99% of the time people are clicking on a link or copying and pasting.
Hate to see you waste time and money on lawyers. Pick a new web name that is simple and has something to do with Michigan or UP and you will be good to go.

08-19-2015, 11:38 AM
Look at his signature, he now has the domain he wanted. That's great congratulations.