View Full Version : Anybody adjust their Procon pump pressure?

08-06-2015, 10:57 PM
Howdy Folks!

I am beginning to accumulate parts for a single membrane RO, and just bought a Procon 115B265F31BA (Series 5 stainless steel 265gpm), but when I received it, the factory preset is at 170 PSI according to the sticker. The site I bought it from did not have the full part number shown. It should have shown 115B265F31BA170. I got a great deal, and want to keep it. The Series 5 are all rated to 250psi.

The Procon paperwork says "Do not tamper with the relief valve on your pump". Liability disclaimer, I think. Well... I want to do it at my own risk. I removed the cover off the screw, and it appears to be easily turned down while monitoring my pressure some day when I have it assembled.

Chime in all on your "Don't Do It", to whatever details one might add if one was to try it.


08-08-2015, 08:07 PM
I adjusted mine up to 240 psi. take off the acorn nut and with it running slowly turn in the slotted screw

08-08-2015, 10:08 PM
I adjusted mine up to 240 psi. take off the acorn nut and with it running slowly turn in the slotted screw

Thanks a lot...

I feel better about it.

08-12-2015, 10:26 PM
I adjusted mine up to 240 psi. take off the acorn nut and with it running slowly turn in the slotted screw

I have also adjusted my fluid o tech as Rich pointed out. No problem. However , I find the sweet spot with a xle 4040 membrane around 180 psi. Not much flow gained with the higher pressure .