View Full Version : Depth of Sap in the Pan

02-27-2004, 06:46 PM
How deep do you guys run your sap in your sap and syrup pans. Just wondering because I got down to about 2 inches tonight and got nervous. How low can you go if you are right on top of things with a bucket of cold sap ready if need be?


02-27-2004, 07:23 PM
Two inches of sap in the front pan Chris ? Your running it kinda deep arn't ya Chris ? You do know that when the sap or syrup 'foams up', it an't on the bottom of the pan. I know several people who will collect their sap , go to bed , and go out about 1 Am when the night is clear and cool and start their boiling, 'they' claim they can run the sap closer 1'' or so and really put it through the evaporator. There is a difference between boiling and simmering.
You notice no else has weighed in on this, meaning , no one wants to be ,even remotely responsible for you 'cookin' your pan.
Maybe simmering an't so bad.

02-27-2004, 07:56 PM
Glen Goodrich runs his pans at 1 inch all the time, last year I ran my pans at 1 1/2 inches because it was my first year on a real evaporator, that 1/2 inch was my insurance. This year I am going to run my pans at 1 inch to push the sap through faster and hopefully better grade of syrup. Before I boil I check the corners of my pans to make sure the sap is the same depth to make sure the frost didn't move my arch as the frost comes out of the ground. My arch is on a cement slab, but the slab has moved some.

02-27-2004, 08:06 PM
I have a 2x8 drop flue and I run mine about 3/4" to 1". I started out the first boil with about 1", and run it down from there. 3/4 to 1" is plenty of sap if you don't go off and leave it for more than 10 minutes. I don't have a problem leaving mine for 10 minutes or so, but I don't leave it longer than that.

02-27-2004, 08:28 PM
the Half pint (with blower)I had last year I bet I got as hot as any 2x6 out there and I only was at about an inch, boiled like crazy, just watched it and drew off often in small batches.

I remember at night seeing blue flame shooting out the stack ... way cool

02-28-2004, 08:44 AM
Then today it will run at a little over an inch. Thanks for the advice. Good luck to all


02-29-2004, 07:49 PM
Ive got a homemade evaporator and pans.
Ive been putting my sap in at about a 1 1/2" Min. Dont trust to let it get any less till the very end and then I have a candy thermom in and take it off and finish inside on a controlled heat source.

Listen to the big guys, they know what there doing.



02-29-2004, 07:52 PM
I can't see much advantage running the sap really low. Yesterday, I was running it about 1/2" or less and to me, it seems like I get a better boil when I have more. I have always thought that for years, but never proved it.

The main thing it to do whatever makes you comfortable, whether it be 1/2" or 2". Don't do what someone else does just because you think they may know more than you.

03-01-2004, 04:18 AM
Its the same thing as boiling a pot of water on the stove at home , when there is a full pot you have the big bubbles from the boil, when it gets to the bottom of the pot with less water , there is a more rapid , small bubble boil , evaporatoring taking place , and much more chance to burn your pans , and if there soldered pans , not to forgiving.