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View Full Version : 1 or 2 mainlines

07-18-2015, 07:06 AM
Have two sugarbushes with a 75 to100 ft flatland no trees between them Should i run two mainline up each side or one down the center and bring the laterals out two that one. cost and flow are the considerations



maple flats
07-18-2015, 08:20 AM
We need more info on the land. It sounds like the flat section may be in a valley and the sides of the valley have the maple trees. If the 75-100' is the width, multiply the cost of laterals extending that distance vs. an extra mainline. While the ratio may be any where inbetween, the fact remains that the total distance needs to be crossed if you have 1 mainline. A mainline works best at 2% slope, but as slight as 1% can be done. Figure out the lateral expense across the flat vs. the extra mainline expense. The next factor may be the support wire if you go that method, most do, I don't. Another is mainline support, are there ANY trees to side tie to or will you need to install posts? It may make more sense to have 2 mains and somewhere at the bottom of the 2 mains, join them together if the lay of the land allows that.

Thompson's Tree Farm
07-18-2015, 08:23 AM
Another consideration is length of laterals. The longer the lateral, the poorer the vacuum transfer. Remember, you are trying to get as high a vacuum as possible at the tap hole.

07-18-2015, 10:06 AM
Have two sugarbushes with a 75 to100 ft flatland no trees between them Should i run two mainline up each side or one down the center and bring the laterals out two that one. cost and flow are the considerations



The answer will depend on the number of trees on the individual sides, slope, depth of the bush from the center line. Gravity or vacuum is also a consideration. Temp is also a consideration. If a line is left in the direct sun the season will end quicker than if it is in at least a semi shaded path. Colored lines are better but will still conduct heat to the sap.

As Flats said, there are many factors that go into designing a truly individual system to best suite your bush.


Sunday Rock Maple
07-20-2015, 09:53 PM
Go with two for the best flow and over the life of the tubing that will be the best value.

07-20-2015, 10:32 PM
With two mainlines, you can configure it so you can walk or drive past each saddle without ducking under or jumping over a lateral. Great for checking leaks quickly.
And you can get equipment closer to remove dead, dying or thinned firewood.