View Full Version : Stolen ?

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-20-2007, 05:39 PM
I haven't been over to the sugarhouse for a few weeks but i got backed up after about 6 trys to where the woodsplitter used to be parked along the sugarhouse driveway-

Almost 100% certain it's stolen/I'm so wound up=i got myself double thinking its not true?-Hasn't moved from it's spot in about a year. I kicked around in the snow as the motor would definitely be under/but i know it still had the flag rod attached to the back end.

Anyways i'm gonna look things over better in the daylight-looked up by my woodpile=still no flag rod.

Here is what it is:
John Deere
Model 52
Ser# on tag is *TY00526388807* The tag where the #6 is has a tear on the #.

5 Hp B&S motor
Mod- 135202
Type- 0015 01
Code- 95101YA

Hyd pump
Mod # 73155
Ser # 71478

Other identifying marks is its a 2' stroke piston W/2' section welded into the front and the head welded on the front again-Back half is black and the front 2' is white. Cutter head has "ears" welded onto the wedge. And it has thousands of hits into the front 2' section on top from the ax hits.

02-20-2007, 05:48 PM
I hope for you that in day light you will find it. Last year around this time I got an email from my association saying that some producers had items stolen.

02-20-2007, 06:50 PM
Wow. Nothing irks me more than a$$holes that can't leave other people's stuff alone. I would be pissed. In fact, I am pissed just reading about it. Well, hope you do find it buried in the snow.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-20-2007, 06:59 PM
Irks me too/but i'm kinda over the shock- It has set in the same spot all the time-Although i did say to myself that my Cousins friends comes through the sugarhouse yard to get on the trail and it would have been right in the way/kept saying to myself that i need to move it=but i don't remember moving it-Thought i seen it there a few weeks ago and said one day when i was over working on tubing that tomorrow that i'm going to move it before the snow flys- Funny thing he went through with his snow machine and went to the right of the wood in a cradle 5' high and the splitter always set on the left hand side where we used to run the snowmachines through.

02-21-2007, 05:40 AM
Hopefully you find it like I did the bucket for the tractor the other day when it wasn't where it was supposed to be. I only found it by mistake but it had been moved. It sucks when people steal stuff. Keep us informed

02-21-2007, 06:21 AM

Hopefully you find it, if it is stolen, that sucks. Always some sh*t bag looking to steal from people. Maybe it is there and just off to the side or something.

H. Walker
02-21-2007, 03:53 PM
I'm not sure how the American Justice System works, but here in Canada if the bas#%$ds are caught they would be out in time to steal your new splitter when you replace it because now they know where to look. Criminals have more rights than honest tax payers.

Brad W Wi
02-21-2007, 04:07 PM
And all this time I thought only American Courts protected the guilty.

John Burton
02-21-2007, 04:09 PM
I sure hope it was not stolen. nothing is worse than thievery,Although a misplaced tool might have well have been lost. by chance no one borrowed it with out asking? I always tell new help that if you dont know where it goes dont put it where you want, ask . because its my shop an i know where its supposed to be. dont know how much time I have lost over the years with looking for misplaced tools...

02-21-2007, 04:37 PM
Com'on Walker Canadians don't steal, They borrow without asking first. :)

It's only stolen if thier caught, and then give it back with no punishment.
Wouldn't wanna tarnish some young lads life over something so minor. So the courts say.

Hope you find it Maple Hill.

Homestead Maple
02-21-2007, 05:06 PM
Now that's a neat way of putting it. Borrow without asking first. What do they say when caught, "er. I didn't think you'd mind. You weren't using it."

02-21-2007, 05:15 PM
That's pretty much how it goes.
Then the judge say's "Give it back, and next time ask before you borrow anything."

02-21-2007, 05:23 PM
Then the judge turns to the victim and says next time don't come to conclusions about this fine upstanding citizen and after your remarks I must put a restraining order on you.

02-21-2007, 05:33 PM
****, That almost sounds familiar.
I guess a few people Know people that have gone through this crap too.

Had some stuff stolen a few years back, I found out the dirt that stole it and went to retrieve it. Bottom line, I almost got charged for recovering my property. Never did get it back, But the chump eventually got his. He got beat by a homeowner during a B&E, who again almost got charged. Go Figure.

02-21-2007, 05:47 PM
Thats just dirty! i hate people that steal. round here 5 wood splitters have been stolen. I just rent for now rather not have one stolen.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-22-2007, 03:05 PM
Well= The Wood Splitter is gone.

I looked around for another 1/2 Hr. in other spots and still nothing- Notified the proper authorties and the Insurance company.

Bazooka is now being taken off Sweet Tree duty and being put on Thief duty!!

I should have put some other identifying marks-Has yellow rims on the wheels and the yellow John Deere lettering on the I-Beam.

super sappy
02-22-2007, 03:23 PM
Was your splitter locked up? I have come home to my place being robbed before. I think the worst part is when you look at people I wonder if they were the ones that took my stuff. State police told me that 8 out of 10 times its someone you know.I lock up everything now.I have a giant key chain that I alwayse leave home when I go to the sugar house.Its a giant pain in the butt.I hope your aim is true with the bazooka.Super Sappy

02-22-2007, 05:34 PM
We all need to keep a eye out and maybe we can see it for sale somewhere. The jerks are most likely going to sell it for drug money.

Breezy Lane Sugarworks
02-22-2007, 05:42 PM
watch ebay...half the stuff on there could be stolen for all we know.

Russell Lampron
02-22-2007, 06:05 PM

Sorry to read about your wood splitter being stolen. I hope the police can find the thief and get it back for you.


Father & Son
02-22-2007, 07:10 PM
I know how you feel. You feel like you have been violated and now everytime you come home you look around to see if anything else looks out of place. We were robbed in 1995. There were two of them, a 21 yr old and a juvenile. When they were caught they had hit 30 houses in three counties in less than 2 weeks. Both had previous records. The juvenile got no time and the 21 yr old got 7-15 yrs. They got us for about $3000.00 of jewelry and some easy stuff to carry. Some of the jewelry was antique given to my wife by a deceased aunt. Nothing was ever returned. Not something I want to go through again. I hope you are more fortunate and they find your splitter.


02-22-2007, 08:00 PM
I have a 9mm insurance policy and I hope I never have to use it but if someone ever comes thru my door on me or my family I will have no mercy and neither will my wife.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-22-2007, 08:12 PM
Father&son- I worked my tail off when i was 16 yrs old to save up $340 to buy my first metal detector only to have the neighbors kids come into our house when we weren't home and take it/they took it down to the river and smashed the heck out of it-A friend told me he seen them with it last night down at the river and knew i was the only one around with that brand-to cut the story short=

Susposely we had a court date and me and my mother went and waited only to find out they held a hearing a few days earlier and we would be contacted by someone- We'll i got crap out of that as they didn't even give me a friggen penny.

Sucks for sure...

02-22-2007, 08:32 PM
Definately keep an eye out on ebay and any other means of adverising cause mor than likely whoever took it is looking to get cash. If someone nearby stole it to use it for them selves they risk being caught with it in the future.
In most cases the police will not look as hard as you will to find somebody trying to sell it so keep looking.
You may even be able to have some one else put an add in the paper looking for a spliter to see if that might turn it up.

02-22-2007, 11:39 PM
A local sugarmaker had 8 drums of syrup and a filter press stolen a yr or so ago. They found out who it was via the grapevine, cops couldn't do anything as there was no evidence. Someone confronted them and they ended up dumping everything, and someone else noticed the drums down an embankment weeks later, so he got almost everything back.