View Full Version : Hey Vermont!!!!

02-20-2007, 07:39 AM
Has anyone found their trees yet?????? Ours are under a good 4 1/2 foot of snow! With more on the way. Has anyone heard about a short season? Lots of rain and warm weather not far away. Dam ground hog!

02-20-2007, 02:31 PM
Found the tops but not the bottoms. Almost ready here in Pumpkin Village.(Fairfield) Can't wait to start.

02-20-2007, 05:31 PM
Are you kidding?!!! I can't even find my sugarhouse. There is a hump in the snow beside the town road, where it used to be, and my kid burrowed in there today to get a snow rake. I hope this stuff settles a little bit before I have to start wading through it on snowshoes. I sure am glad I don't have any buckets to hang. When we used to tap 2200 all on buckets, it would take a week with the crawler just to break out the roads. It looks like a day to dig out around the sugarhouse, clean out around the doors and get the snow off the roof. Then there is the little matter of getting to the woodpiles, I don't have much wood storage in the sugarhouse, used to but it was crowded out by more equipment, mostly stock tanks that I don't have any other good place to store. They take up a lot of space for what they are. I really need to get rid of some stuff and improve the storage of what is left.

02-21-2007, 03:46 AM
Well after 6 hours in the skid steer I finally found the sugarhouse. I HAVE to pull some snow off the roof. All I can see is the very top of the stack and a little bit of the cupola. MAJOR amount of snow on it. I to heard some warm weather and rain on the way. Hopefully just enough to setttle some of the snow. Gonna try and get to tapping first part of the week. Alot to do and starting to feel like times running out. But I do that every year. Probably end up with only the taps at the sugarhouse for this year. NO WAY we are going to make it to the top of my rented bush. Still have alot of main line to setup and all the laterals to run. But we will wait and see.

02-21-2007, 05:37 AM
Are we having fun yet?

Russell Lampron
02-21-2007, 05:53 PM
I'm having fun, are you?
