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Gone Maple
05-31-2015, 06:34 AM
I am wondering if any body pay taxes on there pump Houses. My house is 7 ft x 8 ft and the lister up the taxes $1,000. I am so sick of the town all the have done is give me a hard time about it.:mad:

05-31-2015, 08:22 AM
The problem is the new minimization movement. People living in an enclosure of 50-100 square feet. I cant call it a home so I wont. My bed would not even fit in there. Worst part is if you have a liquid ring pump they can get you for hot and cold running water.

We have already figured a way around the taxes for when we expand to bushes off the farm. To meet our DHS regs our units will be tanks and pumps enclosed in a shop built roll off enclosure. Pump room separate from the tank and releaser area. Milk House door for3" hose for pumping out the tank with our truck.

It needs to be moveable and needs to move every few years then they cant tax you for them. We have a pad next to the sugar house to store our tank houses in the off season.

remember you don't own the land...just renting it from the government and in our state from the school district.

there is a revolt coming...those with, against the government & those that the government distribute ours to

Gone Maple
05-31-2015, 09:49 AM
It is just bogus it is on skids I figerd I am going to move them on my trailer and park then in the door yard of the town Office and put a bug sine on then that my town doe not support a vermont tradition

05-31-2015, 12:02 PM
That's crazy. You should appeal this. Most towns have a square footage limit and I would think your shed would be under that at only 56 sq. ft. What did they value the shed at to raise your taxes 1k?

05-31-2015, 01:27 PM
Wow I thought my town was greedy but anything less the 140 sqft needs no building permit and therefore not taxable.

05-31-2015, 03:28 PM
Greenhouses are not taxed in VT as they are temporary structures...I would visit the tax accesors office and request an explanation.

maple flats
05-31-2015, 04:40 PM
Me too. At 56 SF that is just wrong.

Cedar Eater
05-31-2015, 06:21 PM
If grid power is connected to it, I think it becomes taxable here. Or if it is connected to a permitted well or septic system. Otherwise it would have the <100 sqft exemption.

05-31-2015, 06:35 PM
Most towns have a square footage...

It varies town by town. In my town (Richmond), when I wanted to build a shed I called to find out the size limit before I needed a building permit and what would trigger them to assess a value on it. The basic answer was anything you built needed a permit and would be assessed.....there was no minimum size. I know of other towns where it is 4' x 8', another that is 4' x 12'. It's really all over the place....you just need to find out what it is where you are.

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-31-2015, 07:32 PM
pick up a snowmobile trailer and put your pump on it.

05-31-2015, 08:57 PM
We called our county office for information on building permit for a new sugarhouse. We were told that no permit was required because it's agricultural and that we would be receiving exemption papers in the mail. You can't imagine how pleased I was to find that out. My thought is, no permit, no building code, but I will check that out a little deeper before starting.


05-31-2015, 09:05 PM
It varies town by town. In my town (Richmond), when I wanted to build a shed I called to find out the size limit before I needed a building permit and what would trigger them to assess a value on it. The basic answer was anything you built needed a permit and would be assessed.....there was no minimum size. I know of other towns where it is 4' x 8', another that is 4' x 12'. It's really all over the place....you just need to find out what it is where you are.

For an agricultural use in VT they can assess a structure but not the equipment in it. So, my question still is how could a 56 sq. ft. shed raise someone's taxes by 1k$??? Plus, a temporary structure is a different ball game. Something tells me that this lister is new on the job, or completely clueless.

I'm not surprised that in Richmond they would stick it to you however possible, but something tells me in Rutland county there is a square footage limit.:)

Flat Lander Sugaring
06-01-2015, 04:35 AM
poultney is 80sq ft and then its taxed on a retail scale so if you can build it for 150 dollars it will be taxed on what "Garden Time" sells them for

maple flats
06-01-2015, 04:56 AM
We called our county office for information on building permit for a new sugarhouse. We were told that no permit was required because it's agricultural and that we would be receiving exemption papers in the mail. You can't imagine how pleased I was to find that out. My thought is, no permit, no building code, but I will check that out a little deeper before starting.

In NY that is state law, but as Clarkfield Farms discovered, not all towns adhere to it. He has even had the Assembly chairman of the Agricultural Committee go to bat for him and his town still refuses to listen. They will not allow him to build a sugarhouse on his land, even though it is totally rural and they tell him that if his existing barn ever burns down he will not be allowed to rebuild it.
In my case, I did not know about the State Law, I got a permit and had to jump through all the hoops, then just before I completed it I read that it was exempt. I asked the Codes Officer about that, he admitted that I was exempt from getting a permit, but once I had bought one I had to follow it thru. What a bunch of $hi@!

06-01-2015, 06:19 AM
Dave, I followed Clarkfield Farms and the misery they are being put through by some power hungry morons.
Here in Lewis Co, and the town of Croghan where we are, I think all building permits and code enforcement is handled by the county. I hope I'm not mistaken but I will check into it to make sure. I dont want to get a building up and then start fighting with the power brokers. Lewis co is a little more laid back in some things, at least for now.


06-01-2015, 08:27 AM
I'm not surprised that in Richmond they would stick it to you however possible, ....

:D Sounds like you must have lived in Chittenden County at one point. I'm not usually one to complain about such things....but I think folks around here would vote in paying tax on their taxes if you put it on the ballot.

At our former house we had our driveway paved. Called 6 different outfits to have only 2 come out and give me a quote (amazing how hard it is to get some contractors to do anything around here). The prices were outrageous. Saw a neighbors driveway being paved a few weeks later, so stopped in and asked the guys doing it to stop in and give me a quote....they stopped by at the end of the afternoon....estimate was half the other quotes I'd been given. They were getting the hot mix from the same plant, so that didn't factor into the cost. It also wasn't because the equipment was already there....they had other jobs and would have to come back in a few weeks. I asked them why they were so much cheaper....the guy said "...we're based out of Barre." So they had to come twice as far, but were half the price because they weren't from Chittenden Co. Great crew....did a nice job. Beede Paving. They did a bunch of jobs in our neighborhood that summer.

Gone Maple
06-01-2015, 03:26 PM
I am going to fight it I have a date on the 11 to a peal it.the funny part is I can build a 50x100 sugar house with out a permit, no set backs or boundary. It is all about money once they know you make it the want it. Greed