View Full Version : Condensation in tubing

05-25-2015, 08:24 AM
I need to move a 400 ft. section of half inch pipeline due to some dead elms I want to remove and to make the run strait. There is condensation hanging on the inside top of the tubing. Will this ever dry up? When it gets hotter maybe? Both ends are open but bent slightly down to keep rain out. I'd like it to be dry then put tape over the ends to keep it clean. Thanks

05-25-2015, 01:49 PM
Likely not... unless there is a way for the vapor to move out. If the lower end was left to dry then it should dried out y now.

We are so dry right now that the pastures are burning up.

maple flats
05-25-2015, 03:39 PM
The only way it will dry is if you either pull or push dry air thru it. I use my vacuum pumps, you can use a small 12 volt blower and adapt it to fit. If left wet, it will get funky before next season and if left open long term insects will make it their home.

05-25-2015, 06:00 PM
That odd we never dry or lines and they end up dry by mid summer. Down hill ends are left open to drain any water/cleaning solution that runs down the slope and the spouts are plugged.

We have done this since we went to tubing in the '70's. Drops that hang below the line will have some solution still but in the late fall it will drain out and we put in a dose of cleaning solution to sanitize the system for the next season. We even do this on the sections that are to get new drops.

Must be a global warming thing. Hahaha

05-26-2015, 08:09 AM
Thanks everyone. It's been fairly wet here so far and only a few 80 degree days. Maybe it will dry fine on a real hot day. Only a 2 percent slope.