View Full Version : Tapping tomorrow
02-19-2007, 10:28 AM
Will tap tomorrow in hopes of catching a good run this week.
02-19-2007, 06:28 PM
Where are you located in Ohio, if I may ask? Your right, the weather looks mighty tempting. I am thinking of starting this week. Not sure how the trees will react with all the snow plus the ground being frozen. I am thinking it will take a little warming up? Besides I still do not have all the components to my upgrade. Pretty sad when the stuff was ordered in early November.
02-19-2007, 08:14 PM
Who did you buy the stuff from??
02-20-2007, 09:16 AM
I sure wish I was tapping with you guys. I still wouldn't be able to walk around the woods so I will just sit and watch this year
02-20-2007, 09:32 AM
We will have to post alot of pictures for you. Not to tease you but to keep you involved. May help with the recovery as well. You getting around any better now?
02-21-2007, 07:22 PM
I ordered the stuff from Lapierre through my local dealer which goes through another dealer in the states. I really do not know what the problem was or is but I have since reordered through my local dealer from another company and will recieve the "goods" tomarrow.???? Any how, how are the trees acting in your area with the frost that is still in the ground? I was thinking of tapping last week but am glad that I waited, (not just because I don't have everything yet) seems like things are slowly warming up and starting to thaw in our area. We still have a good covering of snow along with ground that is frozen to a depth of 2'.
02-21-2007, 08:00 PM
Tapped 400 today on 2' of snow. It was a slow go but not as bad as flushing the tubbing yesterday. Most holes were wet and we had a small run. The high was 43 at noon then cooler in the afternoon. Looks like enough of a warnup to expect a run this weekend. Someone mentioned in one of there posts that all there help was over 60 and as I looked at my help yesterday they were all over 60. This doesn't bode well for the future of maple. I hope we all have a good seasone!
02-21-2007, 08:27 PM
Royal Maple,
I am getting around very well right now. My back feels great and is getting stronger. On the other hand my knees are just shot. This Friday I am going for Sinvice shots. I will get one a week for the nest 3 weeks in each knee. Hopefully if they do the job I will go back to work after the first 2. I may start at part time for a week or 2 jus to see how it goes and to build up my streangth.
I would enjoy seeing alot of pictures. Unless my wife prevents me from looking at them LOL She thinks this site is a bad influence on me. I keep thincking I can tap this year and she keeps insisting I can't. And told me I shouldn't spend so much time on here, since it jsut makes me want to tap that much more.
02-22-2007, 09:23 AM
Sorry to hear that you couldn't get equipment on time, I used to sell for Lapiere when it was Waterloo and things were out on time and everything went well. I got out a few years and I decided to sell again this year, so I went back to Lapiere and was awarded a dealership and was promised a dealer price list last spring and as of yet have not recieved it, so guess what, if i cant get a simple thing like a dealer pricing catalog on time, I decided not to sell for them either. It just makes the local dealer look bad when in actuallity it is the company
Fred Henderson
02-22-2007, 09:38 AM
I ordered some things from Maple Pro in early Feb and they did not come so I cancled the whole order on Tues this week.
02-22-2007, 10:09 AM
Got 200 inn the last two days most were running some were wet and a few drey deeper in the woods. I test bopiled the evaporator from 2100 last nite to 0000 this morning and got all the kinks out. will gater today and post some pics tonight I use wine bags and wow are they great. OH WOODCUTTER never fear I looked around at my help and there was me at 30yrs old and my fiancee at 25. KEEP THE FAITH>
02-23-2007, 07:31 PM
Aren't socialist companies grand. I have Lappierre and Waterloo tanks and filter presses and happy with both and not busting on anything north of the border. Just LOL and how some of them bust on Leader for their prices. One thing about them, if they tell you something, it will likely be done. Guess customer service and made in USA just costs a little more!
02-23-2007, 07:34 PM
If you need anything Lapierre, go thru the maple guys if it can be shipped. Best prices and awesome customer service. As far as my sap, the trees have run very little. Will boil off tommorrow what it ran this week. The ground was still hard as a rock yesterday on top even after 4 days of 40+ and 2 days of full sun. If you would have fell and hit you head, it could have given you a concussion or killed you it was so hard. Never seen anything like it.
hard maple
02-23-2007, 07:47 PM
get that sap boiled!!!!
what are you waiting for???
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-23-2007, 08:06 PM
I believe that the next time i am looking for a piece of equipment rather it its from Lapierre or Leader=I'd have to have the piece right at hand to see it first before the transaction would take place? Had bad customer experiences with both and not really looking for a return.
Like my signature used to say="In case you forgot.I'll remind you that your memory is shorter then your membrane" your penis in other words... after several contacts,Messages and such and still no results= WTF are you thinking?? Certainly could mean the loss of a customer in the future....
02-23-2007, 11:35 PM
Aren't socialist companies grand.
?? Socialist companies ?? They are certainly not owned or operated by the gov, so no idea what you mean by that. Poor service can/has happened on both sides of the border. I don't think Lapierre does that poor a job overall.
02-24-2007, 05:41 AM
You are right they all screw up and you can solve the problem by going through dealers that can deal direct to Canada in Lapiere's case because the Canada company is not the problem it is here in US distribution. I understand The Maple Guys are good and another one is Mayottes Maple product's in Fletcher, Vt
02-24-2007, 07:57 AM
Forgive me, I should have said companies operating in a socialist enviroment. There is no way a company south of the border can compete with a company north of the border and still maintain high quality. Payroll taxes, healthcare and all the other benefits were enjoy here cost a company a lot more. A company south of the border has to have better customer service in order to compete. I buy stuff from north of the border the for mainly the same reason as everyone else, price.
And if the democrats get their way, we will be in complete socialism here in the next 10 to 20 years.
02-24-2007, 08:14 AM
Come on boys, I love you all, But I thought we were talking maple here not politics!
If I remember right one of the ground rule's of this forum was that we weren't even supposed to talk about dealers ( Which I may have been guilty of too!)
Its a great country we live in that allows freedom of speech!
I have trees to tap and syrup to make. See you later!
Highest Regards to all of you,
Chris Earl Casbohm
03-11-2007, 01:50 AM
WOW what a day my bags were almost all full and I have almost 200 gallons of sap from 200 taps. Will start boiling tomorrow cant wait!!!!
03-11-2007, 07:48 AM
Same here, most of our buckets (3 and 5 gallon) were nearly over flowing. A few were! Too bad my **** utility pump decided to reverse siphon about 25 gallons onto the ground. :mad: How pissed was I.
archangel let us know how the new drawoff works. I got a controller similar to yours and am using it as a thermometer - don't have good valve yet. Think I've got a problem with the tcouple - last boil it was reading 247 F and we still didn't have syrup. Obviously it was way off.
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