View Full Version : Vermont Rebates for First-Time RO Buyers

05-07-2015, 01:55 PM
I wanted to let everyone know about Efficiency Vermont's Maple RO Rebate Program. For those existing Vermont sugar makers who are looking to install an RO for the first time, $1,000 to $3,000 in rebates are available for those who have at least 250 taps or produced 60 gallons or more of syrup this season. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be found here on our website: https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/docs/for_my_business/agriculture/evt-maple-ro-qual-form.pdf.


JJ Vandette, BEP | Planning Manager | EFFICIENCY VERMONT
128 Lakeside Ave, Suite 401, Burlington, VT 05401
jvandette@veic.org | Office: 802.540.7915 | Fax: 802.658.1643

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-08-2015, 05:05 AM
I wanted to let everyone know about Efficiency Vermont's Maple RO Rebate Program. For those existing Vermont sugar makers who are looking to install an RO for the first time, $1,000 to $3,000 in rebates are available for those who have at least 250 taps or produced 60 gallons or more of syrup this season. Additional information and eligibility criteria can be found here on our website: https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/docs/for_my_business/agriculture/evt-maple-ro-qual-form.pdf.


JJ Vandette, BEP | Planning Manager | EFFICIENCY VERMONT
128 Lakeside Ave, Suite 401, Burlington, VT 05401
jvandette@veic.org | Office: 802.540.7915 | Fax: 802.658.1643
at the bottom of the page I believe I saw something about financing, who exactly is that through, my own bank or does Eff. VT have their own people?

Maple Hill
05-08-2015, 06:00 AM
Look under number 2 on the right side.

05-26-2015, 07:56 AM
We've had great interest in this rebate program so far! Existing Vermont sugar makers who are looking to purchase their first RO have been busy getting RO quotes and submitting their pre-qualification forms: https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/docs/for_my_business/agriculture/evt-maple-ro-qual-form.pdf. Take advantage of any lingering manufacturer discounts left over from MapleFest to sweeten the deal!

JJ Vandette, BEP | Planning Manager | EFFICIENCY VERMONT
128 Lakeside Ave, Suite 401, Burlington, VT 05401
jvandette@veic.org | Office: 802.540.7915 | Fax: 802.658.1643

Flat Lander Sugaring
05-26-2015, 07:48 PM
well with the ********************** controlling the price of bulk Im not going to be stepping out into any big payments until they understand who butters their bread!!!