View Full Version : how long have these been here?

05-07-2015, 05:24 AM
I was walking a possible land lease this past weekend that the owner said has never been tapped. It didn't take me long to figure she may be wrong. How long do you think these taps have been in? Why would someone remove all the main a and laterals but leave the taps and drops in the tree?117561175711756

05-07-2015, 08:36 AM
I can dig out some pics that I have from for you of a metal spout in a tree from back in the 1970's and found an old spout a few seasons back on a tree on our steep brook bank that is from the late '80's.

I would guess in the 15-20 year span and possible longer as 25-30. Hard to tell as I know the pics can scue the colors some but I would say early 1990's as we have some of that style spout and similar color line that is headed to recyle or the dump this summer that has been in piles for a long time.

I would show here the pics so she doesn't blame you if you decide to leave them as a spot to stay clear of when tapping.

tree with a catheter...that's a pisser.


maple flats
05-07-2015, 11:39 AM
There may have been no main, possibly someone had a tap, tube and into a bucket, that's how my first season was done.

05-07-2015, 01:46 PM
I thought that too Flats but all the drops do have tee s on them. Well I guess it doesn't matter I made her aware her virgin had been deflowered at some point. It is still a nice bit of land with probably 100 or so of these trees southern exposure and with good slope. There is supposed to be a section like this of 20 to 30 acres further up the property but that section has no road frontage and would be a mother to get to in deep snow.This plot of 3 to five acres is bordered but road on the bottom and a pole line as the western border so it is very easy to get too. It also has a steep bank on the road side that I could run 2 inch pipe from the tank to my truck tank for transfer no pump needed. Well my wife is working for her today so I should have an answer hopefully it will workout with the offer I made.

05-07-2015, 02:04 PM
I can dig out some pics that I have from for you of a metal spout in a tree from back in the 1970's and found an old spout a few seasons back on a tree on our steep brook bank that is from the late '80's.

I would guess in the 15-20 year span and possible longer as 25-30. Hard to tell as I know the pics can scue the colors some but I would say early 1990's as we have some of that style spout and similar color line that is headed to recyle or the dump this summer that has been in piles for a long time.

I would show here the pics so she doesn't blame you if you decide to leave them as a spot to stay clear of when tapping.

tree with a catheter...that's a pisser.


Ben Would stay away from them as everyone is tapped on the north side of the tree?? I thought this to be odd like someone was trying to hide them. The road is on the south side and never saw a single tap until I was in the woods. This is pretty out of the way property and maybe someone was tapping this without permission. I should find out today if she accepts my offer.

05-07-2015, 07:58 PM
I walked a bush last year that I know for a fact was last tapped in 1994 because it was a lease the old man had, all 1500 taps were still in the trees, what a jack a$$, anyway pretty much looks like your potential woods, 95% of the old taps had not healed over & were easy to remove. This was a lease on the National Forest & it is quite a bit harder to get a lease from them now.