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View Full Version : Converting Wood Fire Arch To Oil

04-25-2015, 07:28 PM
Hello I am going to oil next season. I am running a Lapierre 2x6 raised flue arch. 2x2 syrup pan and a 2x4 raised flue pan. I have a homemade door which I am going to take off a put a plate on. I am going to run a Carlin 102 CRD. Going to run a 3 gph nozzle possibly a 3.5 gph nozzle. I am going to blanket my sides and over my grates and up my slope in the back. My question is how much slope should I have right now it is probably 8" back from the front of the flue pan. I have seen another oil fired rig that it has a gradual slope all the way towards the middle of the flue pan. My question is I don't know if I should run blanket over what I have or take out some brick and bring my slope back some towards the middle? I though some were set up like a square fire box with a straight up back wall in the back of the fire box?? It also drops back down like 6" or more from the back side of flue pan to the stack.

04-25-2015, 10:15 PM
Ramp should go 1/3 way bach flue pan. You will need lots of test and tinker time to get the flame right for the front pan.

04-26-2015, 09:00 AM
That is what I was thinking might have to take out some of my brick on my slope and drop it down some. I do have a metal bar that goes from one side of arch to the other. I might just run it back to that with blanket. I am going to clean pans today so I will get a better look at it. Also which nozzle will be better the 60 degree solid or the 45 degree hollow??