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View Full Version : Guidance for these woods

04-20-2015, 01:18 AM
I have never worked with tubing. I'd like to use tubing in a piece of woods that does not belong to me, and, for the most part, is hard to access in Feb/Mar. It is a creek bottom shaped like a long stretched out tear drop laying east/west. It is about 1500' long and about 250' wide at its widest spot. There are 50-75 maples in this bottom, with more that may be able to be tapped on the ridge across the creek (I've never looked on the ridge to see what is there.) There are more maples in the fatter part of the rain drop (and definitely more sugars) than in the skinnier part. The only place I can access this piece of property is at the western tip of the "rain drop". I am able to directly access this by way of a good gravel road, so hauling sap from this point is no problem. The long axis of the rain drop has the slightest drop of about 10' along the 1500' length, and about 5' of drop across the fat part of the rain drop as it tapers toward the creek that borders the north side of this woods.
I was hoping to put a pump on tubing for these woods. AC power could possibly be available to the tank location, as there is a nearby cabin. I'd probably go with DC, though. I've read about the sureflo pumps. I like that idea so I can get away from a releaser. Choice of pump isn't my question in this thread. I'll tackle that in another thread in the pump forum at a later time.

Right now, I'd like to know what I need for sizes of tubing. That is my biggest question. I read about how good 3/16 is, but only up to a certain number of trees. I'd like to know what size of main line I'll need, and what size tubing I should use for laterals.

Can you give me online sources for tubing?

I'll start there, as I don't really know what else to ask at this point.

Thanks for your help. This is kind of a tough subject to tackle when you are going from zero experience.