View Full Version : 5/16 tubing on flat ground with shurflo 4048 or similar

04-19-2015, 02:44 PM
I have never set up tubing before and am wondering if I could zig zag 5/16 from tree to tree on flat ground and get an acceptable vacuum. I would have about 30 taps within 300 feet of the pump/barrel.

Aaron Roy
04-22-2015, 11:09 AM
That is my plan as well ... it's going to take the whole off season to prep for next year with all the improvements I want to make.

04-27-2015, 06:59 AM
I have a shurflo 4008 to which I hooked up two separate runs of 5/16" that total about 3000 feet and it pulled sap from the furthest taps. On one of the runs, I have to go about 300 feet at minimal slope (probably about 3/16"/ft) to get over a knoll, and past that knoll the grade drops for a while before rising again. Some of the trees are tapped ten or twelve feet off the ground. I may not have the most efficient setup, but it works for me and I got way more sap than in past years. And of course collection is much easier.