View Full Version : Smartrek

04-18-2015, 06:15 AM
Did anyone use the Smartrek system this year? I would like some kind of system in my woods. What have people tried so far? It would be great if I could see what I have for vac and what is in the tanks while I was at the day job. I spend 8 hours worrying about if the vac kicked on? are the releasers working? is the tank full and running on the ground?.

04-18-2015, 09:10 AM
We've used the Smartrek system for two years now. Excellent system. We have about 50 nodes (vacuum, tank level, and custom pressure sensors). Very happy with it and we plan to expand again next year.

04-18-2015, 12:03 PM
i installed a wireless ip camera and prepaid mobile wireless hotspot, and it took my worry/stress down 10 fold. Also helped me plan my time out a little better. Not trying to deter you from smartrek, it sounds like they have a nice system. I obviously had no idea what my vac levels in the woods were but it at least let me know my pump and releaser were functioning and roughly how much sap I had, for under $200.

04-18-2015, 09:13 PM
I've also had the Smartrek for 2 seasons. After a couple glitches last year, mostly due to my hotspot , it all worked flawlessly this year. I have the vacuum/ temp sensor and tank level sensor. I got for the same reasons you mentioned.

steam maker
04-19-2015, 05:24 AM
I had smart trek this yr. just the basics had 2 vaccum sensors snd a tank level sensor . Ran off of a wifi hotspot to a straight talk wireless cellphone" because i have a iphone and u need a android for smart trek". Had a little problem with one sensor reading like 15 inches different than other . Figured out that issue and it worked great rest of season . Im gonna move that system next yr and think im gonna try cdl version . Just to see differences

04-19-2015, 06:18 AM
What brand camera and hot spot did you use, and where do you purchase them.

04-19-2015, 07:46 AM
We've used the Smartrek system for two years now. Excellent system. We have about 50 nodes (vacuum, tank level, and custom pressure sensors). Very happy with it and we plan to expand again next year.

What do you mean custom pressure sensors? Did they make something special for you guys?

We had 30 nodes out this year and going to 100 next year. I sure did learn where the woods needs work. Also areas where I was wanting to put air lines was doing extremely good at peak flow and don't need any changes at all. I would have spent a bunch of money and work adding air lines where not needed but now know where to spend my time. Did not have any problems with the Smartrek system and would not change brands.

04-19-2015, 05:40 PM
What do you mean custom pressure sensors? Did they make something special for you guys?

Yes, Smartrek made us some custom Pressure Sensors (as opposed to measuring vacuum). This is so we could measure the sap pressure in maple and birch trees during the season (scientific reasons), although I could imagine them being used in other settings where you wanted to know pressure as opposed to vacuum.

I agree....you do learn a lot about your woods with the sensors in. We're planning on expanding our sensor network (again) next season.

04-19-2015, 06:23 PM
What brand camera and hot spot did you use, and where do you purchase them.
Straight talk hotspot from Walmart and a Dlink 932L from Amazon

10-16-2016, 05:30 AM
Straight talk hotspot from Walmart and a Dlink 932L from Amazon

I know this is an old thread but do you have any feed back on your camera/hotspot set up? What data card is needed to get through sugaring?

10-16-2016, 06:09 AM
If we end up with the bigger operation we help with now then I consider this system a necessity. Especially for vac and tank levels where both of us do have other jobs.
Problem is there is no cell service....are we going to have to get satellite internet to be able to monitor it? Great to hear good reviews. I was sold on it after some initial research and discussions with Kyle. My partner isn't sold on it though for some reason.

01-18-2018, 06:09 PM
I love the smartrek system it saves so much time. I installed it in one woods last year and installed it in another this year. It saves so much time finding leaks. You know which main lines have the leaks and saves me walking the whole woods to find one leak. The signal makes it from both woods back to my house. I can check in the night when the vacuum pumps are on by the gauge on the sensor. Before the sensors, if I had a leak at night and the sap was going to run all night I wouldn't fix it. Now I know exactly where the leak is and go up in the woods and fix it. Yes, the system is pricey but saves a lot of man hours.I am sending the signal about a mile and a half. I think it will pay for itself in 2-3 years. The system saves me also from driving over to the two pump stations to check on things.