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View Full Version : Wasing with Javex-what concentration?

Bruce L
04-14-2015, 11:17 AM
We used to get chlorine from our dairy supplier or local farm retail store,now it only comes in 20 litre(5 gallon) drums which would take several years to use,I figure the chlorine would lose it's strength. I have always mixed the chlorine at 2oz/10 gallons, so in our 300 gallon tank I mix 60 oz of chlorine.The new Javex jugs state new higher concentration, not sure if it is just a sales pitch or I should back off on the ratio.The label states 4.25% sodium hypochlorite
Thanks in advance for your answers, hope to be all washed up by weekend.

04-14-2015, 05:03 PM
Having been a long time supporter of Clorox and from my experience I would not go with a higher concentration so as to not atracked anything else. When my exterminator say the bottle under the sink she said you do realize that that stuff arracks mice...right. Didn't realize this. Last season we changed over to hydrogen peroxide with excellent results and it is so much easier to wash our collection and storage tanks.
Yes it does come in a large container that will last me 3-4 years but if I keep it in a cool place I ma told it will be fine. As of this season I think it will only do me for two seasons if I am lucky.

I have a pyrex releaser and it is the only thing I have found that will clean that glass to a sparkal if left soaking over night. I dump the first sap that comes in just as a precaution.

This season with all the snow the gray bast@rds went nuts on some of the lines that were buried. Not sure why but they have been paying the ultimate price the last two days. Cant say as I ever noticed more squirrel damage with one product of the other. I think they had to do something in the deep snow.

Good Luck!
