View Full Version : Hi all new to this site and first year sugaring.and I am addicted.

Matts maples
04-11-2015, 10:01 PM
Hi everyone my name is Matt I live in dryden Michigan on 10 acres I have lived here for 18 years raised my kids here.I was in a bad car accident a few years back.I was the guy that work his life away never took vacations never missed a day of work.Well we had a bad ice storm two years ago and I had a few limbs that broke off the tree but was still attached so I got my saw and when I cut it loose all this sap started pouring out like it was raining that's when the light went off in my head,so I ran out got a few spiles in the trees but it was at the end of the season.So this was my first year two turkey fryers and 30 taps I made 5 gallons of syrup.All my friends and family love it and so do I.I can't wait to see what next year brings all I do is think about I dream about it is a sickness.But my question to you guys and gals is wood or propane which do you prefer.Thank you so much looking forward to making new friends on here.

04-12-2015, 05:12 AM
Welcome aboard. That is an interesting reason you got into sugaring, and you aren't alone on getting hooked. 5 gallons isn't bad at all for 30 taps. Do you have A lot of maples on your property ? As for your question about propane or wood.. If you are going to build an evaporator or buy one, then I'd assume wood would be your best bet, seeing how you have 10 acres. That's if you haven't cut down all the trees in the last 18 years.

Matts maples
04-12-2015, 06:44 AM
Hi there,ya I have a lot of maples I only tap the trees that I cut grass around which was 11 trees,I haven't even gone into the woods yet.i own 10 acres but have access to another 20 acres behind my house and on both sides.I do have a lot of wood that is down,I also heat my home with that wood.

04-12-2015, 07:58 AM
go with wood. my cousin used $40 worth of propane for each gallon produced using the turkey frier method.

04-19-2015, 06:25 PM
Also new this year. Really enjoyed it and already planning on taps for next year!

04-22-2015, 06:27 AM
Welcome to the family. I too am kind of a newbie. I have only been making syrup for four years so far. This year we made just over 5 gallons from 21 trees. We would of had more but didn't have time to boil more during the week. I too would suggest wood. If you want to go the used route there are plenty of smaller hobby rigs out there. Just watch out for the older ones with lead solder. I am still using a 2x2 flat pan on cement block. Someday we will build a sugar house and have a "real" evaporator. Sounds like you have a great start. Good luck and keep at it.