View Full Version : Off season happenings?

04-09-2015, 06:49 PM
This newbie wonders what happens on this site when the last 2015 drop of sap has hit the evaporator. I assume that discussion 'round here slows considerably.

What is the next adventure that you head off to as the season ends? Mine will be gardening, some minor additional landscaping on our property and working on an old '60s Chevy.

Run Forest Run!
04-09-2015, 06:56 PM
What is the next adventure that you head off to as the season ends? Mine will be gardening, some minor additional landscaping on our property and working on an old '60s Chevy.

My summer line-up is almost the same as yours 67Heaven. To follow your quote . . . "Mine will be gardening, some minor additional landscaping on our property and working on an old" (this is where I veer off) 1933 Chevy, oh, and putting down a few hundred jars of preserves, and BBQing as often as humanly possible.

04-09-2015, 07:12 PM
I'll be getting serious with improving my block arch for next year. And figuring out my gravity lines a little better and the supplies I need to start gathering to make it happen. :D

After that, we'll have to get a new chicken coop going and get our 2nd batch of layers in them. Then it's figuring a way to clear a little more bush to extend our yard to have more livestock. Maybe a vegetable garden...

04-09-2015, 07:18 PM
As a single woman with a house and 1/2 acre property, two cats and a small business, I tend to stay pretty busy! But in the off-season, in terms of $$$$ hobbies, I'll be diving back into photography ...I've been involved in international competitive photography for the last several years and learn a lot. Already blown my photo equipment budget on studio lights and backdrops, bought up a ton o'stuff from a photog going out of business. I know I have the gear and the chops but still reluctant to pursue it full-time. I HATE having to chase work.

Cedar Eater
04-09-2015, 08:32 PM
Before I started making syrup, there were only two seasons, deer hunting season and preparing for deer hunting season. Now I will also be preparing for the next syrup season. But the syrup season isn't over for me yet. I'll be doing some birch syrup soon.

04-10-2015, 12:39 PM
First up yard work.
Then Vegetable garden.
Pretty much year round is dealing with the mini fruit orchard. We have apples. Cherry's sweet and tart. Plums, Peaches and pears in so far.
Also have blueberry's, raspberry's and blackberries.

Summer is garden, kayaking, BBQing, and fishing. Lots of fishing to fill the freezer for the year.
Then late summer is harvest and preparing for hunting season.

On top of all that this year I will be doing our new business. Which is jam/jelly candy and baked good.
Oh I need to get my half arch built along with a shack and lots of wood split and cut for next year. Along with discussing with neighbors about a lease for next year.

Busy busy busy I also dabble in photography. But being retired I dabble in a lot of things. Geocaching, Wood work, Mountain Biking, come to think of it. Now I am retired I have NO IDEA how I ever had time to work. I am busier now then when I ran the trucking company. :lol: