View Full Version : The MASON DROP TUBE - Tell me about it!

04-06-2015, 08:16 PM
Hi there...I have been looking at the W.F. Mason drop tube set up. I want the guys who have them to tell me what you think?
If you would have changed anything...ie: gone to a standard raised flu set up or standard drop. The pro's and con's.
SIDE NOTE: If i go with this set-up it will be a 2x6 or 2x8.

Thanks - BHMC

04-06-2015, 10:13 PM
Really like mine. With a 2' front pan it niters up pretty fast when feeding 17%. 25-30 gallons is about max before shutting down to clean pan. Mine is not reversable and it would not help boiling concentrate. Not sure how far to Barnet but you are welcome to come look.