View Full Version : 2015 syrup totals.

sugar daddy 1
04-05-2015, 08:06 AM
What an odd ,crazy year. Bugs early, warm early, low sugar, starting with darker syrup. But we still made 1062 gallons of syrup. We'll take it.

Until next year see ya 😁😁

04-05-2015, 09:32 AM
8.25 gallons this year. Averaged 1.75% - 2% sugar content. Need to take more time off from work next year. Sap's still running well, but it won't keep well between weekends.

04-05-2015, 10:03 AM
5 gallons here hoping for one more boil.

04-05-2015, 10:16 AM
I got 2.5 gals this year my first year on my own....

04-05-2015, 09:04 PM
11.85 gallons first year here in mid Michigan

Cedar Eater
04-05-2015, 10:34 PM
I've gone past 2 gallons, but I'm not done yet.

04-05-2015, 11:30 PM
Just under 200 litres, and more importantly had a ton of fun along the way. Looks like the weather will shut us down this Thursday. Looking forward to next year already.


04-06-2015, 03:38 AM
26 gallons this year now for fun part cleanup.

04-06-2015, 06:31 AM
I have 32 gallons and just about shut it down, then I looked at the drums on the 3/16 tube runs sunday evening and they were a quarter full of nice clear sap. so I think I should get a few more good runs this week and about 6 more gallons.
Finished up with a bit over 40 gallons, with the sap still running clear I am letting my neighbors collect the sap and finish it for them selves.

04-08-2015, 08:58 AM
Grand total for this season:
26.5 gal bottled off 55 taps.
22 days of sap flow over a 4 week period.
Boiled 12 times.
First few gallons were med. amber, then the rest was dark amber.

04-10-2015, 09:11 AM
Got 33.75 gallons from 65 taps lost about a hundred gallons due too slow boiling collected about 2000 gal sap first 3 gal were light amber all but last 3 gal were medium amber the last got real dark in a hurry

Sinsuwas Maple
04-23-2015, 06:34 PM
Made 48.5 gallons from 175 taps. First sap collected was only .8 % didn't even fire up the evaporator for those 250 gallons. Made about 20 gallons of very nice light amber and all but the last 3 gallons were medium amber. The last 3 gallons were medium/dark amber. Going to 1500 taps next year and a big expansion!!

Michigan Maples
05-22-2015, 07:48 PM
better late than never....... our second year tapping. We put out 12 taps and collected 99 gallons of sap, boiled down to 3 gallons of syrup. The most amazing flavor ever! All but one of these trees had never been tapped. Next year I want to tap some of the giant walnuts right behind the house, I understand that's really good stuff.