View Full Version : Not my family...but family all the same

04-04-2015, 05:46 PM
Seven of us (friends and family) drove an hour to visit a family maple operation that has been running since 1862. Currently, members of the 5th, 6th and 7th generations work in their maple business. Although this was our first visit, they offered a very warm welcome to us this afternoon and spent a long time giving us the grand tour and answering questions. In 2012, they celebrated 150 years.

Their evaporator runs on wood pellets, and they use reverse osmosis.

Link to their website - http://www.curlesmaple.ca/index.html





And in a separate building, their small museum (near Campbellford Ontario) was stuffed full of old maple techniques and tools. Very entertaining and educational for this rookie. They truly exhibit the best in family tradition.

Run Forest Run!
04-04-2015, 06:07 PM
WOW! You must have had a great day! Don't plan on growing your syrup hobby to something like this next year. Give yourself at least two or three years. ;)