View Full Version : Getting ALL the syrup out of a 2 x 6

Pete S
04-04-2015, 07:53 AM
Our first year with our 2 x 6 drop flue.

We are figuring that there must be about 3 gallons of syrup within what's left behind in all the pans.

One thought was to get a sheet of steel to cover a drop flue area and use the syrup pan as a "Batch Pan"?

What do you do?


04-04-2015, 08:05 AM
I have a bigger evaporator but I drain back pan. Fill head tank with water start fire and pour contents of back pan in front pan as needed. When the last of back pan is added to front pan let fire go out and cool. remove syrup from front pan and finish in your finishing pan.

04-04-2015, 08:05 AM
I tried several methods. What works best for me is to drain the flue pan into milk cans, then fill the flue pan with water. Fill the head tank with water, too. Then manually add the sweet into the syrup pan, as necessary. I fired with a propane weed burner, wired to the door frame and pointed to the underside of the surup pan. It did very well, and didn't hardly get the flue pan boiling, just steaming. The auto draw continued to make regular draws. As you get closer and closer to empty, vary the heat to the pan with the regulator or just a valve.

Jairo Cruz Rua
04-05-2015, 12:13 PM
I do the same. Move it to the front and fill the back flue pan with water. I like it because it starts my cleaning process.

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04-05-2015, 12:41 PM
When we are on our last boil, we just start adding water to the pre-heater pan and just let it push the sap to the syrup pan. Once it is all in the syrup pan we shut down and then drain it to our finishing pan. Works pretty well, especially when the arch is still full tilt.

04-05-2015, 08:33 PM
I tried the "push with water" thing and was not satisfied. I never did get to just water. Then sweet just got progressively weaker and weaker, but still tested several % of sugar. I finally quit and let the stuff ferment to clean the pan.