View Full Version : Info on king pans

04-03-2015, 08:45 PM
Hi all I have a couple of questions about our 3x10 king pan set up. Now our 3x6 flue pan has the float box that controls the sap from our bulk tank two copper pipes entering the flue pan from the box, plug one off depending on which side we draw off from same goes for the two draw offs plug the flue pan on the side that we are drawing off. Here is we're I'm at what do I do on the other draw off side do I regulate the sap coming into the syrup pan? Leave it wide open and control with the float box? This is my first time running a drop flue, dual pan set up the best we could get was 40gph out of with only a hard boil right behind the syrup pan, if I'm correct this is a 94gph I read. Any help would be great thanks in advance

04-03-2015, 09:36 PM
Let it free flow between flue pan and front pan when boiling. Only plug that when shut down.

04-03-2015, 10:30 PM
Great thank you, mybe we can speed up the process a little. one more question what does the two divider doors do in the syrup pan is this also for shut down? Or when boiling we adjust them?

Sunday Rock Maple
04-03-2015, 10:32 PM
Yes, we have a 5 by 14 King that sounds like it's set up like yours and we do what Wiam said. If drawing off on the left side then plug the pipe between the flue pan and the front pan in the pocket on the left side and plug the pipe in the float box to stop incoming sap from going into the right side of the flue pan (so it can only go to the left). When drawing off on the right side plug the pipe between the flue pan and the front pan in the pocket on the right side and plug the pipe in the float box to stop incoming sap from going into the left side of the flue pan (so it can only go to the right). We normally switch sides with each boil but we will stop and switch sides at 5 hours on boils lasting longer than that (which is rare for us).

Sunday Rock Maple
04-03-2015, 10:35 PM
one more question what does the two divider doors do in the syrup pan is this also for shut down? Or when boiling we adjust them?

We only use those if chasing with water, otherwise I take them right out to ensure one doesn't get inadvertently closed.

04-03-2015, 11:28 PM
Great info thank you. Got over 500gals to boil off tomorrow and can't wait to see if the tips help out with gph.

04-08-2015, 04:51 PM
Thanks guys for the help, it worked better this weekend pulled a little over 20gal finished for the past weekend. I think we have come to a conclusion that this evaporator hate putting along it loves to be cranking away, sap and syrup levels are easier to control.