View Full Version : Passed? or Failed The Idiocy Test

Bruce L
04-03-2015, 05:12 PM
Okay so last night we had a lot of sap to boil, was pouring rain outside, so decided not to bring syrup home, or get more containers to finish canning. I went down this morning with a 5 gallon plastic pail to fill up out of the canner to save for rebottling later on in the summer. I figure there couldn't be much in the canner as my wife had bottled syrup close to when I shut down for the night. I turned on the tap into the pail and left to go get gas at the station for the generator. When I came back I was greeted by syrup running out the door of the sugarshack. I figured I probably lost maybe 2 gallons?, she said she thought there was more, and that she would not let me live this one down, and hopefully I had learned my lesson to never do it again!!!!!:(

04-03-2015, 05:40 PM
Sad story, must have been heart breaking to see all your syrup on the floor.

So I am clear of the boo boo, you did get the 5 gallon pail full but overflowed it ? That means you had approx. 7 gallons of syrup saved 5 and lost 2,,,correct?

What you lost is more than I have even made this season, ouch !

Thanks for sharing.


Moser's Maple
04-03-2015, 05:46 PM
i would have been scraping that off the floor, then would have somehow figured out how to filter the junk out of it, dilute it and add it back in the evaporator.....this is all figuring that your floor is what i consider a "normal" clean. Man I hope i never do anything like that....i wouldn't live it down either

04-03-2015, 05:54 PM
I'm afraid I got you beat. Yesterday I left to get some supplies while the RO was running as I do at times and came home to realize I RO'ed it and sent it out to feed the worms. It was about 1300 gallons of sap wasted. Too many long days.(and nights)

Bruce L
04-03-2015, 07:59 PM
Yes Terry, the 5 gallon pail was full and overflowing, probably another 4 gallons in the tank even after I shut the tap off.

04-03-2015, 09:07 PM
Oh My,,, Hopefully you get over it soon.

I guess we all have accidents, it was just your turn.

The good news is I bet it will NEVER happen again.


maple flats
04-04-2015, 04:50 AM
Wow, huge mistake, but I've spilled plenty in the past, just not that much at one time. I'll still bet my total would dwarf that though.
We all learn from our mistakes, just try to learn after the first time and not after several more repetitions, like I do.

04-05-2015, 08:51 AM
1300 gallons of RO'd sap! I lost 300 gallons of raw when my transfer pump filled the head tank with a valve open to nowhere, and I almost cried. I'm sure you were EXTREMELY Madmapler that day!

maple maniac65
04-05-2015, 09:08 AM
hmm syrup moped up off from a cement floor and reboiled is commercial??? I have heard of a 250 gallon tote box impaled from the fork lift and then cleaned up and reboiled and sold.

Russell Lampron
04-05-2015, 09:41 AM
I'm afraid I got you beat. Yesterday I left to get some supplies while the RO was running as I do at times and came home to realize I RO'ed it and sent it out to feed the worms. It was about 1300 gallons of sap wasted. Too many long days.(and nights)

You've got me beat there. A couple of seasons ago my son in law forgot to switch the valves over after doing a rinse on the RO and pumped the concentrate from 600 gallons of sap down the drain. I have since remodeled my sugar house and simplified the valve set up. That mistake will be much harder to duplicate now but not impossible.

04-06-2015, 05:13 PM
I can honestly say I haven't spilled syrup on the sugar camp floor....

.... in at least a week!