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View Full Version : DIY evaporator

04-03-2015, 02:46 PM
So I have finished my year due to not having time to boil or being able to hold my sap cold. But moving forward I need to be able to boil sap at a higher rate! This year I used a shallow narrow fire pit with a 6 inch deep restaurant hotel pan. My best hours I was boiling almost 5gph. I want to tap more then 8 trees I did this year. I guess my question is what diy designs are others using? And is it possible to get to at least 20gph with a diy evaporator?

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04-03-2015, 03:17 PM
So you are on the natural progression... next will be a barrel arch ( search on here to find them ) , then maybe a homebuilt arch ( my example was the dryer arch... ), then a full blown arch , R/O, tubing ... etc... Where you stop is up to you... but it is a slippery sap slope ... :lol: Always more trees to tap and syrup to make !

And on some of the DIY arches you can get Waaaay over 20gph...

04-03-2015, 04:17 PM
My first year as well. Got a bit too warm here and I also couldn't boil enough to keep up with my trees. Good problem to have I guess :) I'll be putting together a new barrel next year. Used way to much fuel this year before getting some ideas to improve the efficiency from this site.