View Full Version : global warming and maples

super sappy
02-12-2007, 06:00 PM
I just grabed my 7 year old from her hip hop dance class.One of the other parents mentioned to me that all the maples on our area will be dead in 20 years due to global warming. This hit a nerve with me because I have heard similar comments from other people in passing over the last week or so. Was there some kind of new news release that I missed?All of my brass monkeys have been stored below deck for the past few weeks, I ll buy shifting weather patterns ,ufo's and that Elvis is the father of Anna nicole Smiths baby. But Global Warming killing all the Maples??Any Thoughts- What do the Maple Traders Think about Global Warming and die off? Should I be investing in something else for my retirement years? If the Maple tree is going to be an endangered species in 20 years I think that the price should go up purely on speculation just like oil.Thats all for today-Super Sappy

Dave Y
02-12-2007, 06:09 PM
I think threr was something on the news as I have beenasked the same thing.
I just consider the source. Nod my head, smile, and keep moving. It will take more than 20 yrs.

Ed K
02-12-2007, 07:12 PM
It'll take 100 yrs of global warming to have my area equal the weather now in virginia. And they have maple trees. If theres any maples dieing off its cause their old,and like Rita says they need a good furneral.

andrew martin
02-12-2007, 07:25 PM
I do not think global warming will kill the sugar maples - their native range is northern TN, and when we drive to NE Mississippi going through NAshville, there are plenty to be seen and all their crowns are full in the summer. The trees here central, KY are just fine. Global warming will affect sugaring, but it will not cause the suagr maples in your area to die in twenty years. I would be more concerned with the Bush administration's lax approach to fossil fuel power plants and paper mills causing acid rain than I would global warming.


02-12-2007, 07:39 PM
Global warming is the last thing on my mind tonight when I look outside and the thermometer is hanging around 0, and at my place of work in the next county where the snow is (you now what) to a giraffe. I may sound simple minded, but I tend to sleep well at night.

02-12-2007, 08:32 PM
I don't think it will kill the maples, but it's not looking good for Polar Bears.

Homestead Maple
02-12-2007, 08:32 PM
I believe that we go through cycles at times when it rains more in certains time periods than others, that December weather in some years isn't always the norm for December, or for anyother month for that matter, and I believe that we have a Heavenly Father that likes to confound scientists and environmentalists once in awhile 'cause He likes a good laugh once in awile and likes to let people know who really is in charge.

02-12-2007, 08:44 PM
I can't say it is not happening, but we go thru cycles with the temps and such. It is just something for the liberal news media and all the other liberals to jump on the ban wagon and ACT LIKE THEY REALLY CARE. We do have major year primary elections in less than 11 months. I agree with Charlie that God is in charge and he loves to laugh at these dumb ignorant morans here on this earth. He has had control of it for the last 6,000 years and I think he can take care of it until he decides to destroy it and it won't be man that destroys it.

02-12-2007, 08:55 PM
Politicians and the media pick on a subject such as this and just keep hammering the masses with the information whether its true or not. I have watched the local govt and school district use the same brainwashing technics to get what they want. The sad thing of it is it works.

02-12-2007, 09:09 PM
Hey that just means you guys will be tapping box elders like me :^)

Anyhow, I'll probably be too feeble in 20 years to do much of anything but sit on a bench with my feet in a bucket of cold water to cool off my globally warmed toes.

02-12-2007, 09:20 PM
I suppose next thing will be Hillary telling us how she will fix everything and make everything all better

maple flats
02-13-2007, 05:12 AM
The politicians and news media tend to hear one opinion and if it is SENSATIONAL they harp on it. They are wrong about 99.4% of the time. The earth has gone thru warming and cooling cycles for millions of years even without man. One Mt St Helens eruption spewed more in the air than man does in a hundred years. At one time Alaska was tropical. OUR MAPLES WILL LIVE but we still need the maple weather cycles for a good harvest and no one can say how many generations it will be before we are too warm (or too cold, not all scientists agree we are warming).

02-13-2007, 05:50 AM
I think the polar bears will be ok. They'll just move south to Oswego and Parish, and ride ice floes around Lake Erie.

02-13-2007, 05:58 AM
Alot of politicians were saying that the warm weather in December was a direct result of Global warming, but then when the month came to a end the weather people were saying that it was the third warmest December on record, so if I am doing my math right there were 2 warmer and that wasn't just recent.
I agree that more could be done to eliminate acid rain, but lets not forget that most of these plants have been around more then 6 years and to blame Bush for there polution isn't quite accurate. Why didn't the Dem's take care of it when they were in control for forty years as a good share of these plants were built under their watch.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
02-13-2007, 08:12 AM
We won't have to worry about the trees dying in our life time from heat- It will take thousands of years if this trend continues. When the next time someone get in touch (phone or whatever) with God could you please ask him when he is really going to make it happen so if it comes quicker i can shoot myself before hand.

The Sappy Steamer
02-13-2007, 12:39 PM
Don't sweat it guys. Remember we're all gonna die from avian flue, hiv,smallpox and the like before then anyways.The future seems brighter already,huh?LOL

Fred Henderson
02-13-2007, 01:44 PM
As long as I can make syrup or dream of when I use to make it, the future is bright.

02-13-2007, 05:26 PM
You mean there are still maple trees out there? I thought acid rain killed them all in the 70s

Dave Y
02-13-2007, 07:08 PM
I had a conversation with an older gentleman a couple of hours ago, and he was telling me that he would be married 55yrs tomorrow. On his wedding day every one was in their shirt sleeves. That was in Clarington Pa . Just south of the Allegheny Plataue. Now that was 1952. was that a result of global warming also?

Fred Henderson
02-13-2007, 07:18 PM
All this talk about Global warming creates jobs and grant monies.

Dave Y
02-13-2007, 07:25 PM
It is also an election year talking point . Nothing else to talk about dont you know?

andrew martin
02-13-2007, 08:29 PM
You're right, Bush is not to blame entirely. Yet Bush and the administration have taken backsteps to the Clean Air Act and have made it easier for industrial airborne pollutants to proliferate the atmosphere. I would think with the advances in scrubbing technology available to power plant producers and other atmospheric polluters that the emission standards would become more stringent, not more lenient, especially as the demand for power steadily increases across the country. With this said, regardless of who is president or which party is in power, there must be some long term continuity regarding air quality and emission standards. Certainly the polar ice caps are not going to melt tomorrow, but they may in 50 years, since global warming is a cumulative effect, and it is important what happens today and tomorrow.


02-13-2007, 09:04 PM
hahahahaha and keeps this thread going

02-13-2007, 09:08 PM
If i remember right I think global warming and the hole in the ozone layer was an issue when dad Bush was in office and probably before that even. Remember Y2K?? that was all a big moneymaking farce too!!

02-14-2007, 04:35 AM
What gets me most is that technology of today can read all of the temperature swings and scientists say that the earth is warming at a alarming rate the most ever. When actually the only accurate readings they have are in the 20th century. I read just a few days ago where they have found WW1 aircraft buried in 200 feet of ice, now for that to be true the earth must have cooled somewhere along the way from the early century.

AS I asked in another thread what is the optimum temperature for the earth and does anybody know the answer? Is it the temperatures of today? the temperatures when we were in the ice ages? or is it when the world was tropical paradise? My wife would certainly go along with the latter

02-14-2007, 04:48 AM
If anyone wants some interesting reading go to Netscape. Today there is a story titled (GLOBAL WARMING:FOLLOW THE MONEY INDEED) this tells the theory from another point of view. Which surprised me when it is said in there that there are not that many meteorologist that buy into the theory of man made global warming. I read a old Indian saying onetime that said, Man that listens with one ear walks in circles

02-14-2007, 07:08 PM

02-14-2007, 08:12 PM
wdchuck, just google "global warming follow the money" I think the original story was from fox news