View Full Version : No freeze overnight, run pump all night ??

03-31-2015, 09:06 PM
Looking at tomorrow, Wed. April 1st, forecast I am excited I think. Hope it is not an April Fools Joke.

It is going below freezing right now, Tuesday night, and will be freezing until tomorrow (Wed.) morning around 11 a.m.

After that it will stay above freezing for approx. 36 hrs. , next freeze forecast is Thursday night.

Can I run my Shurflo continuously for that whole time without hurting the trees? Will I harm the pump?
Will the trees give sap for 35 hrs?
Will the tree lose pressure and I am wasting my time and battery?

Looking for the best advice on this one, please.

My trees have just started to produce and I hope to suck out all I can !!:lol:



03-31-2015, 10:01 PM
I would and do run my pumps all night when no freeze....get it while you can

04-01-2015, 05:14 AM

04-01-2015, 07:39 PM
Keep it running. Ther will come a time where the sap will just not run any more or the quality of syrup is nasty. That will be the key to shut it down.

04-01-2015, 10:48 PM
I ran my sap puller last year, even with a couple hours of forecaster overnight freeze. I do that with regular vacuum this year.


04-02-2015, 06:24 AM
Have you had a peek at our long, long ,term forecast ?
Here in Parry Sound we are getting our second run today, trees lock up this weekend, and then it may be done by next weekend as lows stay in + C range.
Here's hoping all this snow keeps us cool.

04-05-2015, 09:58 AM
As it turned out that eve. my trees stopped flowing around 7-8 pm. It never froze that night and the next day was the warmest day this spring, but no sap even with the warmest day,,, grrr.

I am finding this year so difficult to get sap, still too cold.


04-05-2015, 10:22 AM
terry, i turned my pump on the day i hooked it up and havent turned it off since. aquatec 8800. if i turned it off in the evening, it would freeze the sap in the head of the pump and probably crack the housing. but left running, it just pulls air thru the iced lines and keepd the pump clear of liquid. also seems to run much sooner in the morning this way since none of the lines are froze solid. the sap pulls right through the pourous ice in the lines

Russell Lampron
04-05-2015, 10:56 AM
I turned my vacuum pump on Thursday morning and didn't turn it off until last evening when the sap stopped running. The result, the best run in 4 seasons.

Pennslytucky you're running a vaccum pump on 2 taps?

Time to change your signature I think. LOL