View Full Version : Pulling Taps

03-30-2015, 11:53 AM
I think we're done here in the south. We typically tap in mid January and aren't usually ever running this late but for this year (and last year) due to the miserable frozen February weather keeping us at it longer. Taps are toast at this point, with most having started to close. Lost the flue pan this weekend due to spoilage, not enough coming in with the warm weather to keep it fresh and only so many days I can boil a bit of permeate to knock down the bacteria.

We got only about 1/3 of normal this year. Worse than last year's 1/2 of normal. Sure wish this weather pattern would quit.

I have a few taps running strong, but not enough to be worth the trouble so I'm pulling after tonight. Besides, the garden is calling ....